In Depth:  Nigel Beynon

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NWA: turning the tide

Nigel Beynon

New Word Alive has become the premier conference for conservative evangelicals in Britain. In the run up to the event, organiser Nigel Beynon tells us why he’s excited.

‘I’ve never heard such powerful preaching!‘ That was the testimony I heard just a few weeks ago from someone who came to New Word Alive (NWA) last year. She went on to say how God had changed her during those five days, leading her to make some major life decisions to seek to serve him more.

Sold out for Jesus!

Nigel Beynon

The New Word Alive conference is scheduled to take place at Pwllheli, North Wales, from April 7 to 11. EN asked Nigel Beynon, who is responsible for organising the event, to tell us how things are going.

It feels like a long time since October last year, but I can still remember the day. It was October 16; the phone rang in the middle of the afternoon. It was Haven’s booking office, ‘New Word Alive is sold out!’

Useful, but...

Nigel Beynon

Book Review AND IS IT TRUE?

Read review

How good do I have to be?

Nigel Beynon

Have you ever asked yourself the question: 'How good do I have to be to be a Christian?'

I am not talking about starting the Christian life. We understand that God accepts us totally because of Jesus. His death alone deals with all we have done wrong. But at the same time we know that once we are Christians we are meant to obey God.