In Depth:  Neil McKenzie

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The problem of freedom

Neil McKenzie
Date posted: 1 Apr 2020

Dear Sir,

Stephen Kneale’s article on ‘The surprising problem of freedom’ (en Feb. 2020) provided three examples of where Christian practice seems to be based on tradition and/or personal preference, namely Sunday evening services, quiet times (I’m glad he used the plural) and attending a church near one’s home.

What’s the matter?

What’s the matter?

Neil McKenzie

Neil McKenzie on the restoration of the spiritual dimension

These days anything spiritual is dismissed as purely subjective, mythical and just the product of our imagination.

Sizing up the Square Mile

Neil McKenzie

NM: Could you sum up the purposes of The Square Mile project and how you would like to see them expressed in action?

KK: Our hope is that The Square Mile resource equips and encourages churches to better demonstrate and proclaim the gospel. I long to see churches with a clearer vision for their role in the community and helping Christians connect their everyday lives with God’s work in the world — through mercy (demonstrating God's compassion to the poor), influence (being salt and light in the public life of the community), life-discipleship (equipping Christians for missional living as workers and neighbours) and evangelism (faithful and relevant communication of the gospel).