In Depth:  Natalie Brand

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Coping with loss

Coping with loss

Natalie Brand

Book Review SEASONS OF SORROW: The pain of loss and the comfort of God

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Reformed women ask: what is a woman?

Reformed women ask: what is a woman?

Natalie Brand

The Reformation Fellowship has hosted its second theological conference for women. The subject of the conference was ‘What is a Woman? A Biblical Theology’ led by Dr Ros Clarke, who was the keynote speaker.

Dr Clarke, associate director of Church Society and adjunct lecturer at Union School of Theology, outlined a Biblical theology of woman from creation and revelation to salvation. Clarke carefully defined woman as ‘a human being, created by God for the purposes of revealing (together with men) what God is like, showing us how God loves and saves us, and what the eternal woman, the bride of Christ will be like.’ From this a typology of unfaithful Israel and redeemed Zion as bride of the Lord was developed.

Do we sanitise the story of Jonah?

Do we sanitise the story of Jonah?

Natalie Brand

Jonah’s wandering away from God is somewhat legendary … and a little fishy.

He didn’t just stray from God; he ran. And he ran from God because he was disobeying Him. As a prophet of God, Jonah was supposed to be one of God’s elite. Yet when God sends him off to be a street preacher in what is modern-day Iraq, to a people who are Jonah’s equivalent of the Islamic State, Jonah hauls off in the other direction (Jonah 1:3). And who can blame him? A holiday in the Mediterranean sounds a lot more appealing.

Pastoring a miscarriage

Pastoring a miscarriage

Natalie Brand

Natalie Brand recounts her own experience of miscarriage and pleads for sensitivity in the church

The experience and grief of miscarriage suffers particularly from ignorance and misunderstanding.

The gender of God

The gender of God

Natalie Brand

Natalie Brand enters into this most fundamental current debate

A provocative discussion regarding the gender language used for God hit the national newspapers a few weeks ago.

The Lord's supper

Natalie Brand

For many, the arrival of the communion cup or the offer of bread can generate feelings of confusion and frustration in not knowing what to ‘do’ or how to ‘take’ the bread and the wine in a reverent and helpful way. A biblical understanding is of great benefit here.

Not meant as a ‘how to’ guide, this acronym is a simple mental resource that can guide us towards an appreciation of the Lord’s Supper in line with Scripture. Let me introduce it to you. The accompanying Bible texts should also be memorised in order to maximise the acronym, allowing God’s Word to renew a passion in us for this spiritually nourishing ‘Christ-feast’. If one chooses to bring it to mind while participating in Communion, this should be done carefully and prayerfully so that it does not overly distract or create any ideas of religious formula.