In Depth:  Naomi Dawson

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Two mums, terminal cancer, shared tears - and gospel hope
women in mission

Two mums, terminal cancer, shared tears - and gospel hope

Naomi Dawson Naomi Dawson

For two years, Chloe and I stood in the same playground, at the same time, picking our daughters up from the same class and yet our conversation and friendship never went much further than a brief chat.

At times in those first few years it felt like I was back at school myself, wondering how everyone knew each other and how on earth I could make friends.

Isn’t it time we start fighting for women rather than against them?

Isn’t it time we start fighting for women rather than against them?

Naomi Dawson Naomi Dawson

‘The blog made very uncomfortable reading and would be utterly crushing to a pastor's wife’, 'I couldn't even finish this blog, I felt so sick and humiliated', ‘I was left really concerned about the bruising tone of this article'. What are the blogs these women read to leave them feeling like this? 

A weird off beat lone ranger Pastor mishandling the Bible? Or blogs posted by well respected mature pastors backed by churches and organisations? 

Greenhouse go

Greenhouse go

Naomi Dawson Naomi Dawson

A new project mentoring women to help them produce evangelistic content has been launched.

The project is titled The Greenhouse, and its aims are as follows: ‘Over the five weeks each guest will produce a piece of evangelistic content that they will commit to sharing in the build-up to Christmas. Our training will be focused on how the incarnation shapes our evangelism, and how we seek to share the Christmas message in a way that connects with people.’

‘Read the Bible through the lens of trauma’

Naomi Dawson Naomi Dawson

Six hundred people from 32 countries and six continents met online for this year’s ‘Church as a Refuge’ conference. Among the themes talked about were ‘reading the Bible through the lens of trauma’. Naomi Dawson reports:

The ‘Church as a Refuge’ conference was born out of a desire to help churches better understand power, control and abuse within the church. Jacqui Wright and Cliff Turner (both health-care professionals) planned and hosted the conference. This conference was not just academic, but real, personal and tragic for so many involved. Having benefitted from the teaching of Dr Dianne Langberg, Jacqui wanted the wider church to benefit from her teaching too.