Pakistan’s little-known Christian story
Mike Wakely
In a small town in western Punjab, now in northern Pakistan, there lived a Hindu from a caste of farmers. His name was Nattu Lal. He heard the gospel, put his faith in Christ and was baptised in November 1872.
Nattu was the son of the head man in his village. His family was wealthy, but Nattu wasted his money and proved himself to be a poor Christian witness. But he did one thing that was of immense importance. He brought a poor man called Ditt to faith in Jesus.
‘If you really want to help us …’
Mike Wakely
A Pakistani Christian leader called Ashley said to me 21 years ago: ‘Mike, if you really want to help our community, help us educate our children.’
What a challenge for me – especially after many years committed to evangelism in South Asia with Operation Mobilisation. We are deeply grateful for the spiritual foundations in discipleship and leadership formed in those years, which continue to inspire us.
Two tears on the face of Victoria Beckham
Mike Wakely
The BBC gave a high profile to raising millions for charity through an evening of entertainment under the banner of Sport Relief in July.
They were five magnificent hours dedicated to making people pick up the phone and pledge money for the poor, the needy and the suffering; five prime-time hours in which more than £11 million were donated to good causes at home and overseas.