In Depth:  Mike Taylor

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Filling a big gap

Mike Taylor

Book Review WITNESSING TO WESTERN MUSLIMS A worldview approach to sharing faith

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Christ's healing ministry today?

Mike Taylor

One of the problems in the world is the prevalence of human healers using methods which involve contact with spirits other than our Holy Creator, God.

This is not surprising as health is a fundamental human need and the right sort of medical aid is not always available. In addition to this, some forms of disease are, so far, untreatable by human ingenuity. Therefore, those who provide alternative means of healing will always be accorded privileged social status.

Misidentifying the Holy Spirit

Mike Taylor

Recently, Channel 4 showed a documentary by reporter Jon Ronson on the Alpha course. It was called Revelations: How to Find God (1/8/09). Apparently Ronson approached 20 churches to get material for his report and the only one of these to agree was St. Aldate’s, Oxford, whose vicar is Charlie Cleverly. The result was broadcast at 7.00 pm on Sunday June 28.

Some have seen the portrayal as subtly cynical. However, I thought the report was relatively sympathetic. Ronson himself stated in a Radio Times interview: ‘This is a really gentle, human film. I wanted to make one that both Christians and agnostics would like. And I know that I’ve managed it, because we’ve shown the film both to the church and the agnostics and they’ve both really liked it. … the people who do the Alpha course are … just regular people trying to make sense of their lives and of the world’ (Radio Times, 27/6-3/7/2009, p.162).

Thoughts on the Lakeland movement

Mike Taylor

I believe that the current movement centred on Lakeland, Florida, is not a true revival from the Lord.

Although I have not been to Lakeland, I have attended a number of UK meetings heavily influenced by ‘Toronto’ and its related phenomena, including one led by Rodney Howard-Browne at which Gerald Coates and Colin Dye were present.

Doubtful demonology

Mike Taylor


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An original charismatic

Mike Taylor

Book Review ALEXANDER BODDY Pentecostal Anglican pioneer

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Pointing to Jesus

Mike Taylor


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A new Winston Churchill?

Mike Taylor

Book Review HOLIEST WARS Islamic Mahdis, their jihads & Osama bin Laden

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God’s attitude to Israel?

Mike Taylor


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Malibongwe (CD)

Mike Taylor


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Deliverance expert?

Mike Taylor

Book Review DEREK PRINCE: A BIOGRAPHY A teacher for our time

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Tibetan Buddhism in the UK

Mike Taylor

Not long ago I had a conversation with the assistant Human Resources director of an NHS Trust. She was defending a course running at her hospital which was designed to promote spiritual values.

I challenged her on the grounds that the course was promoting panspiritualist religion under the guise of helping people to work better in the Health Service. My argument was that the promotion of such things is fair enough, but that it should be made explicit and not hidden behind vague terminology like ‘spirituality’.

Open and closed

Mike Taylor

Book Review A STORY OF CONFLICT The controversial relationship between Benjamin Wills Newton and John Nelson Darby

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Without a shepherd

Mike Taylor

Book Review WIGGLESWORTH: The Complete Story

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Meetings for better understanding

Mike Taylor

Recently I had an opportunity to put a question to Imam Mumtaz, the Imam of Streatham mosque, regarding the Muslim view of the sinlessness of the prophets. The Imam seemed to admit that, from an absolute standpoint, everyone is a sinner. This was the first time I had had an opportunity to speak face-to-face with a South London Imam.

Unfortunately, confrontation is a frequent feature of Christian-Muslim encounter. Therefore, opportunities for such discussion in a friendly atmosphere are rare. Real communication often just does not happen.

Hoover Street Revival

Mike Taylor

None Review A preacher like James Brown HOOVER STREET REVIVAL

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Encouragement from the East

Mike Taylor

Book Review JESUS IN BEIJING How Christianity is transforming China and changing the global balance of power

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Scientific showdown

Mike Taylor

Book Review REFUTING COMPROMISE A biblical and scientific refutation of 'Progressive Creationism'

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Sidetracked by 'warfare'?

Mike Taylor

Book Review STRATEGIC LEVEL SPIRITUAL WARFARE: A modern mythology?

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After Toronto?

Mike Taylor

Book Review THE DAY OF THE SAINTS Equipping believers for their revolutionary role in ministry

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The Muslim Brothers

Mike Taylor


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Illegitimate evangelism?

Mike Taylor


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Make room for his power

Mike Taylor

Book Review FRESH WIND, FRESH FIRE: What happens when God's Spirit invades the hearts of His people

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'Houston - we have a problem'

Mike Taylor


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Mike Taylor

Book Review By Mary Garnett

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Fire In Our Hearts

Mike Taylor

Book Review Fire in our Hearts: the story of the Jesus Fellowship/Jesus Army

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Territorial Spirits and World Evangelisation?

Mike Taylor

Book Review Territorial Spirits and World Evangelisation? A biblical, historical and missiological critique of Strategic-Level Spiritual Warfare

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Front line fashion crime

Mike Taylor

Patrick Jean-Paul-Denis, a relatively new name in the music scene, is very frank about his Christian orientation.

His first highly professional record as a solo artiste, 'Special love', was released on June 2 last year, on Ray Hayden's secular Opaz label ('The sound of urban London'). His second record ' I will go', was released on the same label last summer resulting in television appearances and a 12-track album including these two singles is now about to be released.


Mike Taylor

Book Review By Michael Parenti

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Pluralism and truth (Bulldog for August)

Mike Taylor

Until recently, the plural elements in our society were, to some extent, glued together by a humanist metanarrative.

That is, the average British citizen shared certain humanistic assumptions with his neighbour, including the assumption that people have certain rights to freedom of expression, but also the responsibility not to harm other people.

When a Church Becomes a Cult - The Marks of a New Religious Movement

Mike Taylor

Book Review When a Church Becomes a Cult: The marks of a new religious movement

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Exploring Celtic Spirituality

Mike Taylor

Book Review The Celtic Way

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Celtic Christian Spirituality

Mike Taylor

Book Review The Celtic Way

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The Celtic Way

Mike Taylor

Book Review By Ian Bradley.

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Why should we read Charles Strohmer's writing? Step-by-step, a mindset based largely on occult philosophy and occult mystical experience is taking the place of liberal humanism as the dominant philoso

Mike Taylor

Book Review Many Christians find it hard to show compassion for people who embrace this new outlook. Maybe they think that people must be stupid to adopt such a view. Yet most leading New Agers are highly intelligent people. It goes without saying that Christians have a responsibility to get to grips with this new worldview and to show as much love to New Agers as they would to any other person whom they desire to come to a knowledge of the truth. Charles Strohmer's books can help us all. Charles himself was involved in the New Age world for nearly eight years (1969-1976) and demonstrates a great empathy with his ultimate target audience. One of the outstanding features of his writings is warmth of tone. Indeed, his books are unusually strong on two fronts: understanding of the subject matter, and compassion for those trapped in the occult minefield. What Your Horoscope Doesn't Tell You

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Escape from the crystal maze

Mike Taylor

Charles Strohmer has had an unusual life and ministry. Disillusioned with the 'American dream' in his teens, and with the 'Aquarian dream' in his 20s, he had his senses honed to the inconsistencies and failings of modernism, as well as to the spiritual deceptions of the so-called New Age movement.

Now Charles is a Christian, Mike Taylor helps us to get to know him.

The Nation of Islam - An American Millenarian Movement

Mike Taylor

Book Review The Nation of Islam:

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