In Depth:  Mike Payne

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How can Scripture help you sleep better?

How can Scripture help you sleep better?

Mike Payne
Mike Payne

It’s 4.10 in the morning, and you have been awake for well over an hour. You are battling with anxious thoughts, and sleep is impossible. You have an important meeting at work later on today, and you know you won’t be up to it. You see no way out. Help!

Have you ever been there? I have. And no doubt you have found help from the word of God. I certainly have. In fact, I have three ‘friends’ who have helped me. Three Bible words:

‘Take time to be holy, speak oft with thy Lord…’

‘Take time to be holy, speak oft with thy Lord…’

Mike Payne
Mike Payne

We have probably all heard about the driver asking for directions, and being told: ‘If I were you, I wouldn’t start from here’!

As the people of God, we are called to a life of holiness. But where do we start? What is the first step? It’s vitally important to get this right if we want to avoid detours and pitfalls on our journey. In this article I maintain that the starting point in our life of holiness is what we know. Yes, there’s still plenty for us to do, but that doesn’t come first. We start with what God wants us to know.


The term ‘Allah’

Mike Payne
Mike Payne
Date posted: 1 Mar 2015

Dear Sir,

In his February editorial JEB includes Allah as one of the ‘gods’ whom ‘the man of lawlessness’ will oppose. But it should be noted that Allah is the term used for God in the Arabic Bible. Our argument is not with the term some people use to describe their supreme deity. But our argument is with the nature they attribute to him.


Visiting opportunities

Mike Payne
Mike Payne
Date posted: 1 Sep 2014

Dear Sir,

My wife and I recently attended the funeral of an aunt who had been living alone, was blind, and who did not get many visitors.