In Depth:  Michael Owen

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As fear goes viral

Michael Owen
Date posted: 1 Jun 2020

Dear Sir,

Not since the Second World War has such a crisis hit this nation. We have all been taken unexpectedly!


Gospel hope for children

Michael Owen
Date posted: 1 Sep 2019

Dear Sir,

In your tragic front page report (en July) of the Dutch teenager who was allowed to die as a ‘result of self-induced starvation’, the article concludes that ‘…Noa needed help, not ‘non-interventions’ when she had no hope’.


Giving testimony

Michael Owen
Date posted: 1 Oct 2017

Dear Sir,

How encouraging were the testimonies (en August) of Ivor Poobalan and Billy McCurrie! They left me feeling blessed and encouraged in my own walk following Jesus.


Dr Bob Holman

Michael Owen
Date posted: 1 Oct 2016

Dear Sir,

I only met Bob Holman once (obituary en August), many years ago.


Working for the NHS

Michael Owen
Date posted: 1 Dec 2015

Dear Sir,

I was interested and a little saddened by the difficulties Heather Watkins (Work in Progress, November en) has experienced in her work for the NHS in sharing her faith.


Health Service Christians

Michael Owen
Date posted: 1 Jun 2014

Dear Sir,

It was uplifting to read about the Nurses Christian Fellowship group started at Glasgow Royal Infirmary (May EN ).