In Depth:  Matthew Benton

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Is your church glued together?

Is your church glued together?

Matthew Benton

In October a new book was released encouraging us to think biblically about the organisation and leading of our churches

What is the significance of participation in the Lord’s Supper?

Give us a greater future

Give us a greater future

Matthew Benton

Book Review FOUNDATIONS: Four Big Questions We Should Be Asking But Typically Don’t

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Out there

Out there

Matthew Benton

Book Review DISPATCHES FROM THE FRONT: Stories of gospel advance in the world’s difficult places

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How to pray for your wife

How to pray for your wife

Matthew Benton

Book Review WATER OF THE WORD: Intercession for her

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There will be blood

Matthew Benton

None Review No redemption, no story THERE WILL BE BLOOD

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United 93

Matthew Benton

None Review When we know the end UNITED 93 Cert. 15 Director Paul Greengrass It is an unusual experience to be sitting in a cinema knowing the outcome of the film you are about to see, especially as there is no happy ending here. As the lights went down my heart beat faster as I prepared for the real life disaster story to unfold.

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Is the King alive?

Matthew Benton

Though his death hit the headlines on August 16 1977, there are many people who seem to seriously believe that the ‘king’ of rock and roll, Elvis Presley, is still alive.

They think that Elvis faked his own death to escape from the prison which celebrity, fame and publicity had constructed around his life. Having come to the end of his career, he wanted to be able to slip away and live normally.


Matthew Benton

Get this - the most important relationship you can ever make is with Jesus. Humans are made by God for a relationship with him. No other relationship can satisfy our need for God.

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'Love... the delightful interval between meeting a beautiful girl and discovering she looks like a haddock.' John Barrymore