In Depth:  Matt Waldock

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Millennials and internships

Millennials and internships

Matt Waldock

Matt Waldock of City Church Manchester on how to attract young graduates into short-term church work

You simply cannot avoid them!

City Church Manchester: one year on

City Church Manchester: one year on

Matt Waldock

City Church Manchester was launched last September (see October 2014 en).

The city is probably best known for its millionaire footballers, early 90s Brit Pop, and its status as the epicentre of the Industrial Revolution. But little known facts about Manchester include: having the second fastest growing population in the country; being ranked as the most competitive place to do business in Europe by KPMG in 2012; having over 200 languages spoken in it by long-term residents; the student population exceeding 90,000 and being ranked the fourth most deprived district in the country.

The Third Degree

Matt Waldock

How can my church best support the Christian Union? I was asked this question recently by a church leader. It was with great pleasure that I was able to answer, ‘Love your students well’.


UCCF’s commitment to the local church is the very foundation of our existence. Having no students of our own, the whole missionary outfit is manned and led by students belonging to local churches. Without the local church, there are no Christian Unions. The aim of the Christian Unions may well be to give every student in Britain the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel, but how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?