In Depth:  Martin Manser

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Updating Matthew Henry's Commentary

Martin Manser

The English Nonconformist minister Matthew Henry wrote his Commentary over 300 years ago; he began writing in November 1704.

Before he died at the age of 52 in 1714, he had completed volume 6 up to Acts. After his death, the New Testament Letters and Revelation were prepared by 13 Nonconformist ministers. He wrote in his journal, on November 12 1704, soon after he began his Commentary: ‘I set about it, that I may endeavour something and spend my time to some good purpose and let the Lord make what use he pleaseth of me’.

Bring someone closer to Christ

Martin Manser

In three weeks’ time, I’ve got seven minutes or so to share an aspect of the gospel with a man I’ve known for over 30 years — how will I tackle that?

I know I’ve got seven minutes because that’s the approximate time at my dentist between the injections and the drilling. Will I fill (pardon the pun) the time with local news or holidays or seek to move him closer to Christ?

Themes parked

Martin Manser


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Editing a new Bible

Martin Manser

Martin Manser has just completed six years as Managing Editor of Hodder & Stoughton's new NIV Thematic Study Bible. Here he gives a personal view of his work.

Just then the phone rang. Actually, I wasn't working as I had excruciating earache. It had rung a few minutes before with a request to write an article for a magazine. Now it was ringing again and Dick Douglas, director of Hodder & Stoughton's Religious Division, was on the phone asking if I'd go to London to see him . . . on such occasions it seems that initially only the briefest details of the project are given.