In Depth:  Marcus Honeysett

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Teflon-coated	pastor?

Teflon-coated pastor?

Marcus Honeysett

Book Review THE RESILIENT PASTOR: Leading your church in a rapidly changing world

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Living Leadership: let joy overflow!

Living Leadership: let joy overflow!

Marcus Honeysett

When Paul was considering his fate in prison, he wrote to the church in Philippi with confident hope that he would be freed. In Philippians 1:25-26 he tells them what he wanted to do on his release:

…[I will] continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, so that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me.

The first rule of leadership: stay spiritually alive

The first rule of leadership: stay spiritually alive

Marcus Honeysett

It almost feels like an indulgence writing about rest and joy for Christian leaders at a time of global crisis. Surely if ever there was a time to swap sabbath replenishment for strenuous labour it is now?

Of course, the problem arises when we see these things as opposed to each other: that we can work hard for the Lord and others or be spiritually invigorated, but not both. When we embrace this false dichotomy, we doom ourselves to serving out of a place of spiritual unfreshness sooner or later.

Trying the door

Trying the door

Marcus Honeysett

Book Review THE CALL

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Pre-flight information

Pre-flight information

Marcus Honeysett


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Ministry fallout

Marcus Honeysett
Date posted: 1 Nov 2015

Dear Editor,

A quick note to thank you for the article on ministry fallout in the August en.

Servant pastor, joyful people

Marcus Honeysett

Recently a church leader said to me: ‘It has just dawned on me that the Bible says that my job is to work with people for their joy in God. That revolutionises what I think I should be doing’.

He had made a critical discovery: biblical leadership is about growing and equipping disciples who are full of the joy of the Lord. And who, in turn, make more disciples.

A hole in the fuel tank?

Marcus Honeysett

Several months ago I was on a train which came to an abrupt and terminal stop. We waited for half an hour before the announcement: ‘Ladies and gentlemen please disembark as there is a large hole in the fuel tank’.

This became obvious from the overpowering smell of diesel that hit us as soon as we were outside. I liked being on the train. It was comfortable and they served refreshments. But it wasn’t going anywhere and from inside it was impossible to see why.

Nigel Lee: loving the lost, passionate for Christ, 1946-2006

Marcus Honeysett

When Nigel Lee first discovered he had life-threatening cancer he said to a friend ‘this is when people get to see if I really believe all I’ve been preaching about all these years.’

We have. He did. And now he is with the Lord in the glory of eternity and the famous Lee smile is broader than ever.

No God, no truth, no big deal ... The hitch-hiker's guide to university

Marcus Honeysett

What is study like in Higher Education these days? What sort of values and opinions can you expect to be taught? In a recent straw poll, a group of 60 Christian Union leaders from around Britain, studying a variety of subjects, were asked to indicate whether they had faced open opposition in class from academics for being Christians. Around 50% had, mostly for contending that there is such a thing as truth.

Why would that happen? How should you be prepared if you meet the same pressures in your study? While the sample that was surveyed was small, it indicates fairly the challenge that many Christian students face — university and colleges are places where it is increasingly difficult to stand for truth. It may come as a shock to learn that theology and Religious Studies courses are often not exceptions.