In Depth:  Malcolm MacGregor

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Cambridge: minds & hearts

Cambridge: minds & hearts

Malcolm MacGregor

6 March saw around 50 people gather at Eden Chapel Cambridge to hear Andrew Fellows of the Christian Heritage Centre present four beautifully crafted talks on apologetics.

Previously the director of the UK branch of L’Abri, the brainchild of Francis Schaeffer in the 1960s, Andrew’s special field is the relationship of the gospel to contemporary culture and he’s brimming with practical insights.

When women ruled the world

When women ruled the world

Malcolm MacGregor


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Alfred Sibthorpe 1915 – 2018

Alfred Sibthorpe 1915 – 2018

Malcolm MacGregor

Alfred was born in Bedford in the second year of World War I.

He was converted in his teens and for a while worked in London where his gifts and potential were recognised by the pastor of the Baptist church in Clerkenwell, who encouraged him to begin preaching and to lead in a variety of other ministries.

Humanity ­and ­war ­

Humanity ­and ­war ­

Malcolm MacGregor


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The mysterious world of the suicide bomber

The mysterious world of the suicide bomber

Malcolm MacGregor

I was recently struck by the insights of a once-radicalised Muslim who was answering the questions of a Radio 4 journalist. His comments helped sharpen my focus on something that had previously been more of a hunch.

The basic point is that Western secular observers are not best placed to understand what makes the suicide bomber ‘tick.’ In a sense they too are so ‘radicalised’ that the psychology of religion is beyond their powers of analysis. Put simply, they don’t do theology well.

Leaders with secrets

Leaders with secrets

Malcolm MacGregor

Book Review THE LION’S HONEY: Grace for Flawed Christian Leaders. Lessons from the Life of Samson

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Good news for front line

Good news for front line

Malcolm MacGregor

16 Air Assault Brigade is the rapid response unit of the British army, based at Colchester in Essex. Formed in 1999 as a combination of 24 Air Mobile and 5th Airborne, it operates closely with the Apache ground attack force at RAF Wattisham up the road in Suffolk.

One of its key commanders is Major Phil Bray, himself a vibrant Christian, so we can imagine his delight at the news of the appointment of a new full-time evangelist for the Colchester garrison, William Wade, who will transfer from Germany in July.

Clifford Pond 1924 –2015

Clifford Pond 1924 –2015

Malcolm MacGregor

Clifford Pond grew up in Welwyn Garden City, his father was an itinerant preacher and Clifford came to faith at quite an early age and had a strong impression that one day he too would be a minister of the gospel.

He left school at 14 and worked as a messenger boy for the GPO. At the start of the Second World War he joined St John Ambulance Brigade and then transferred to the RAF Medical Service.

Banner brilliant

Banner brilliant

Malcolm MacGregor

The Banner of Truth Leicester Conference, 13-16 April featured a galaxy of speakers. Alongside Kevin De Young from Michigan the main speakers were Stuart Olyott and Michael Reeves ably assisted by Alan Davey (SW France), Geof Kingswood from Canada and Gary Brady and Geof Thomas.

The theme was ‘The Suffering of this Present Time.’ Kevin De Young set out the rational behind our suffering in the suffering of Christ and our identity with him. There was a mind blowing sermon focussing on the shame of the cross. Stuart Olyott took the pattern of ministerial suffering set by Paul in 2 Corinthians. This included some remarkable words of personal testimony which were both humourous and profound. Michael Reeves spoke on Puritan teaching concerning suffering and suffering in the life of Spurgeon. Alan Davey covered the cost of commitment on the mission field. Father and son-in-law Geof Thomas and Gary Brady provided the opening and closing sermons. At first glance the theme may have appeared gloomy but the speakers handled it with wisdom, warmth and scriptural integrity. It was a particularly affecting time of fellowship. Well done Banner!

Ordinary lives count

Ordinary lives count

Malcolm MacGregor


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Public school boys in the trenches

Public school boys in the trenches

Malcolm MacGregor

Book Review SIX WEEKS The short and gallant life of a British officer in the First World War

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Malcolm MacGregor

A church plant that almost failed has taken off and goes independent in January.

Billy, Justine, Gill, Emma, Gary, John, Maggie, Amy are just a few of the many who have come to faith over the past six years at Shepherd Drive Baptist Church on the Chantry and Pinewood estates in Ipswich. If you have never been to the ‘far east’, Ipswich is a historic sea port on the river Orwell with a couple of large marinas full of posh yachts. Now just over an hour from Liverpool Street station in the City of London, it is also a rapidly growing commuter town.

Making a mark for God

Situated at a key point on this expanding housing development, the church is starting to make a real mark for God among the many young families who live round about. It was, however, back in the 1970s that a Christian nurse living on the estate first felt a burden to reach the local children with the gospel. In due time this led to a church plant, which, in spite of sincere efforts and a good building, never really impacted the area as it might have. After a closure of around three years, the fellowship was re-launched in 2007 with a specific aim of reaching the un-churched.

Christ in the trenches

Christ in the trenches

Malcolm MacGregor

Book Review WOODBINE WILLIE An unsung hero of WWI

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Comedy which condemns us

Malcolm MacGregor


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Lyrical century

Malcolm MacGregor

Book Review WALKING BY THE RIVER 100 new hymn and song texts 1998-2008, with other verses

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Wisdom and wit

Malcolm MacGregor


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Shiny shiny bright new hole in my heart

Malcolm MacGregor


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Touching the void

Malcolm MacGregor

None Review What kept him going? TOUCHING THE VOID

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Legal eagles

Malcolm MacGregor

Book Review GRACE, FAITH AND GLORY: Freedom in Christ

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Feeling Bushed?

Malcolm MacGregor


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Fellowship on fire

Malcolm MacGregor


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Neither here, nor there!

Malcolm MacGregor

What lies at the root of the trouble which is threatening to destroy our world today?

Well, it's a piece of land, about 60 miles long and 30 miles wide, and is what used to be called the land of Palestine. It's a series of problems following the setting up of the State of Israel in 1948 when thousands of Arabs were forced into exile as President Harry Truman gave in to the Jewish political lobby in New York and Britain decided to wash its hands of the problem, leaving the Arabs to sink or swim.

Flying to Christ

Malcolm MacGregor

In an age of preoccupation with the superficial, to discover a man of real quality and courage can be exciting and humbling.

Such a man is my 76 year old friend, Joe Pilkington. Let me tell you a bit about him.

The Theology of Fulfilment

Malcolm MacGregor

Book Review By Fred Zaspel

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101 Dalmations

Malcolm MacGregor

None Review 101 Dalmatians Cert. U Disney Since eight years ago we obtained the dubious position of puppy walkers for Guide Dogs for the Blind, we have played our part in the training of seven dogs for the association - this may have made us 'editor's choice' to review the latest Christmas blockbuster from the Walt Disney stables, or should we say, kennels, 101 Dalmatians.

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Pure gold

Malcolm MacGregor

Book Review Old Testament Evangelistic Sermons

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The Pundits Folly - Chronicles of an Empty Life

Malcolm MacGregor

Book Review The Pundits Folly

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