In Depth:  Lisa Nolland

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Gay film

Lisa Nolland
Date posted: 1 Mar 2019

Dear Sir,

The film, Boy Erased, based on Garrard Conley’s 2016 memoir and recently released in the UK, has brought a new, tragic dimension to the sometimes theoretical discussion of homosexuality. Last month en published an edited version of the Gospel Coalition’s review, on which I concentrate.


Silent Anglicans

Lisa Nolland
Date posted: 1 Oct 2018

Dear Sir, Peter Sanlon (September en) is rightly noting the seriously compromised state of the CofE now, and the even more confusing and concerning reticence of its conservative leaders to acknowledge the fact. Many of us wonder what has happened here, and why the paucity of response to the LGBT blitzkrieg within church and culture.

Here two thoughts to add to what Peter has said. Firstly, Liberal is not progressive. Liberals are wrong on these matters (as I see it) but at least the truly liberal believe in liberalism, i.e. large tent, agreeing to disagree, and so forth.

‘Born gay’ is dead

‘Born gay’ is dead

Lisa Nolland

Dr Lisa Nolland spells out why the idea is wrong and must now be consigned to the cemetery of thought

Both the church and society have long struggled with the issue of homosexuality.


Transgender questions

Lisa Nolland
Date posted: 1 Dec 2017

Dear en,

I appreciated the nuanced discussion in November’s en on gender issues and trans-gender rights, focusing as it did on both school and home life.

World: LGBT developments

World: LGBT developments

Lisa Nolland

A Bill was passed in Canada on 1 June which effectively gives the state the power to remove children from their home if their parents do not agree with LGBTQI ideology.

Bill 89, the ‘Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, 2017’ retains the provision in current law that a child who is suffering or ‘at risk of suffering’ mental or emotional harm and whose parents do not provide ‘treatment or access to treatment’ is in need of protection under the law. Michael Coteau, Minister of Child and Family Services, who introduced the Bill, said he sees questioning teenagers’ self-identification as LGBTQI or telling them to change as abuse.

Standing against the revolution

Standing against the revolution

Lisa Nolland

Dr Lisa Nolland warns us against apathy in the face of ‘progressive’ education on sexuality in our schools and universities

I was on my way to a conference in London.

While the Church sleeps...

While the Church sleeps...

Lisa Nolland

Dr Lisa Nolland says we need to take seriously the pan-sexual revolution which is overwhelming our society

Before D-Day, the Allies needed to test new weaponry.

Archbishop won’t talk to me

Archbishop won’t talk to me

Lisa Nolland

Recently I asked to meet the Archbishop of Canterbury (ABC), and received a negative response (you can read the full letter at the end of the article).

In particular I wanted to introduce Dr Mike Davidson to the ABC. Mike is ex-gay and his organisation, CORE, helps those wanting to move out of homosexuality pursue their aims through psychological and (sometimes) pastoral support. The ABC has met many interested parties; has he met groups like CORE? He readily refers to the ‘LGBTI’; what about ex-gays? If ‘it is paramount that no voice is unheard’, why the omission?



Lisa Nolland

Book Review VIRGIN NATION Sexual Purity and American Adolescence

Read review


Lisa Nolland

Book Review THINKING ALOUD: Responding to the Contemporary Debate about Marriage, Sexuality and Reconciliation

Read review

Thought criminals

Lisa Nolland
Date posted: 1 Jan 2016

Dear Editor,

I wanted to come back on the front page piece from November’s en ‘Are we thought-criminals?’

Therapy debate

Therapy debate

Lisa Nolland

A Parliamentary debate entitled ‘Gay conversion therapies and the NHS’ was held in Westminster Hall on 4 November.

Many Christians are beginning to realise that gay issues are not receding in importance, but rather the opposite. Most worrying is the impact on our young people, increasing numbers of whom are ‘exploring’ their sexuality and ‘coming out’, even in the church.


Society’s slide

Lisa Nolland
Date posted: 1 Nov 2015

Dear Editor,

I deeply appreciated Edward Vines’s ‘Why society is on the slide’ (October en) and felt that he ably tracked aspects of the disintegration of the West. His material on Marx was new and welcomed. His encouragement to open one’s eyes to see how this is massive spiritual warfare is also crucially important.

Children as gay champions?

Children as gay champions?

Lisa Nolland

In this second article, Lisa Nolland looks at some ways to stand against the tide

Last month I explored the challenges of the gay rights agenda for our youngsters.

Classy apologetics

Classy apologetics

Lisa Nolland

Christian Concern put on classy events. Beyond expectations: Timeless Truth in Contemporary Culture which took place on 9 January in London was one such.

The content was different: thought-provoking and creative, often novel – a game-changer. The speakers – Jeffrey Ventrella, Joe Boot, Peter Jones, Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, Andrea Williams and Andrew Marsh---were not only brilliant but modest and accessible made their material very persuasive.

Valuing All God’s Children – confusion and danger

Valuing All God’s Children – confusion and danger

Lisa Nolland

A recent document on homophobic bullying and church schools has been produced and endorsed by the Church of England Archbishops’ Council Education Division and the prestigious National Society.

Entitled Valuing All God’s Children (VAGC), it aims to ensure schools are ‘safe’ places for all youngsters, and does so through warning of the evils of homophobia, and offering a decalogue of far-reaching recommendations to the nation’s 5,500 church schools.

Same-sex marriage scares me

Lisa Nolland

The prospect of same-sex marriage (SSM) becoming law is troubling.

The reasons for this are largely unknown even among Christians. With a few encouraging exceptions (such as the excellent C4M), many evangelicals with a high view of Scripture, which forbids homosexual practice, remain oddly passive. They believe this issue can be addressed by ‘gospel preaching’ and actions which ‘build the Kingdom’. Neither adequately addresses the challenges.