In Depth:  Linda Allcock

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How to meditate effectively  during the pandemic

How to meditate effectively during the pandemic

Linda Allcock

Linda Allcock looks at different techniques for finding tranquillity at this uncertain time

At risk of stating the obvious, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused a great deal more anxiety and stress than usual for each of us.

Asking the question

Asking the question

Linda Allcock

Linda Allcock discusses the problem and prevalence of pornography

In our work with 18–30s, I can always tell when they have reached that stage in their relationship where they’ve discussed the question. It’s usually around the eight-month stage. I get the telltale text message. They vary in emotional intensity, but the content is remarkably similar from couple to couple…

People come, people go

People come, people go

Linda Allcock

Linda Allcock on the mixed emotions experienced in a mobile congregation

‘People come. People go.’ That was the phrase repeated in The Globe Church original promotional video at our launch in 2015.

American PK in UK

American PK in UK

Linda Allcock

Book Review ENGLISH LESSONS: The crooked path of growing toward faith

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Great conversion

Great conversion

Linda Allcock


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Ministry wives: pray

Ministry wives: pray

Linda Allcock

The London Ministry Wives Convention in mid-January took place at Trinity Road Chapel in Tooting South London and, though illness caused a change to the programme, it was clear that the Lord was at work.

Carolyn Lacey spoke on 1 Peter about the living hope found in Jesus – a living hope that brings great joy, ‘although now, for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials’ (1 Peter 1.6). Carolyn reminded everyone that trials have a purpose.

LMWC: Flowers in the dirt?

LMWC: Flowers in the dirt?

Linda Allcock

The first blossoms on the trees even amidst the hustle of London traffic, is a vivid picture of the theme we explored at the London Ministry Wives Conference, which took place on 30 January. Will we be disciples that last? Even in the choking atmosphere of London?

One wife I chatted to said to me: ‘My oldest is 8. Hers is not a great school, but it’s better than the first one she went to. We moved her to this one. Though I’m still not sure it’s the right school for her’. This is a clear expression of the tension London ministry wives face. She is serving alongside her husband on a tough inner-London housing estate, and it hurts. London life chokes.

Grace in chaos

Grace in chaos

Linda Allcock

Book Review THE MINISTRY OF A MESSY HOUSE Grace in place of guilt

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Pastors’ wives: pride, prejudice & prayer

Pastors’ wives: pride, prejudice & prayer

Linda Allcock

On January 25, Kath Paterson was moved to find herself back in the pulpit of Trinity Road Chapel, Tooting, addressing a church full of pastors’ wives from 70 different churches across the London area.

34 years ago she had stood in the same spot, promising ‘I will…’ to Andy. The subject for this year’s London Ministry Wives conference was… marriage! The subject was not only fitting, it was necessary, as participants were soberly reminded that at least one seat amongst us was vacant through marriage break-up.

Is it just me?

Is it just me?

Linda Allcock

Linda Allcock tells us about the London Ministry Wives’ Conference

When my first child was born he never seemed to sleep. I was so panicked — and felt even worse after talking to the health visitor about it. He was sick after eating. Babies aren’t like this in the books! They are clean and shiny looking. They drink from a bottle beautifully without waging war…