In Depth:  Leslie Price

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Is Spiritualism dying?

Leslie Price

Spiritualism attempts to communicate with the dead through mediums.

It has been a feature of British life since Victorian times. The evolutionist Alfred Russel Wallace compiled a semi-textbook Miracles and Modern Spiritualism (1874). And the novelist Sir Arthur Conan Doyle proclaimed The New Revelation (1918).

BBC's Ten Great Britons

Leslie Price

British readers will not have missed the recent popular BBC series Ten Greatest Britons poll. The downside of this series is the trivialising of history. It is postmodern sentiment that puts Diana Princess of Wales and John Lennon among the greatest Brits.

The plus side, and it is considerable when we reflect on it, is that the majority who never give history a thought have watched a well documented series and will know a lot more after this series than they did before. One admitted that he now knew that Cromwell came after Queen Elizabeth I and not before!

Should faith be on file?

Leslie Price

Your name and address, of course; your age and marital status, for pension purposes.

Perhaps your race too, if racial monitoring is carried out, and there may be racial targets for your employer to meet. My employer, one of a group of bodies created by the Greater London Act 1999, is compiling new databases. For the first time in modern history, monitoring of the religion and sexual orientation of employees is to begin.

Out of darkness

Leslie Price

Book Review WORLD OF THE SPIRITS A Christian Perspective on Traditional and Folk Religions

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Harry Potter: Witchcraft Repackaged

Leslie Price

None Review When Harry met Lucy... HARRY POTTER AND THE BIBLE

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When Harry met Lucy...

Leslie Price

Book Review HARRY POTTER AND THE BIBLE The Menace behind the Magick

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The religious hoax of the century?

Leslie Price

In a recent EN book review I expressed regret that the author had been taken in by the false claims of Alberto Rivera. An overseas reader asked for more details of what was perhaps the most successful religious literary hoax of the past century.

Alberto Rivera (1935-1997) was born and brought up in the Canary Islands where harassment of Protestants was much less than in mainland Spain.

Ministers are reconsidering making it compulsory for police officers to declare if they are Freemasons after a poor response to the voluntary scheme. So far 38,875 of the 126,000 officers in England a

Leslie Price

Book Review .............................................................. Newham, arguably the most Labour dominated council in the country, used to brag it was the poorest borough in Britain, and had been badly run for many years. 'It had periods in the past when the masons were bigger than they should have been,' she says. (Interview with Wendy Thomson, Director of Inspection, Audit Commission, formerly Chief Executive of Newham LBC. Local Government Chronicle 4 February 2000.) .............................................................. 'The Bible is God's revelation and is complete. To add to it, or to take away from it, is a serious sin. The ritual of craft freemasonry does both. It takes away in that it denies the essential mediation of Christ for the world and it adds a new system which is in fact an extension of Old Testament legalism, which purports to lead to salvation.' (Lawrence, p.104) FREEMASONRY: A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE

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Leslie Price

Book Review By Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh

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The Last Pope - The Decline and Fall of the Church of Rome

Leslie Price

Book Review The Last Pope, the Decline and Fall of the Church of Rome: The Prophecies of St. Malachy for the New Millennium

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Rosslyn - Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail

Leslie Price

Book Review Rosslyn: guardian of the secrets of the holy grail

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Bloodline of the Holy Grail - The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed

Leslie Price

Book Review Bloodline of the Holy Grail: the hidden lineage of Jesus revealed

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Familiar Spirits

Leslie Price

This year has marked the 150th anniversary of modern spiritualism whose official birthday was March 31 1848 at Hydesville, New York State, in the family of the Fox sisters. How do we now assess that movement in the light of Scripture and history?

Although the craze, like so many, began in America, spirit messages were already quite common among mesmerists in France and elsewhere in the 1840s. In fact, mediumship may be as old as the Fall, and there is, of course, one seance in Scripture, King Saul's visit to the woman of En-Dor.

Reincarnation and past lives?

Leslie Price

In 1947, a Gallup poll asked the British public if they believed in life after death. Of the 49% who did, 3% thought it took the form of reincarnation. In contrast, some current polls show that 33% of believers in life after death support reincarnation.

This sharp increase has not been explained, but must owe something to Asian immigration, general public exposure to Buddhism and Hinduism, and the emergence of the New Age movement from older groups like Spiritualism and Theosophy.

Alien abduction

Leslie Price

Astronomers may recently have detected planets around stars using stellar spectroscopy. The speculation is that contact with extraterrestrial life has become more likely. But in popular culture, it is already here.

Many channellers ('mediums' of yesteryear) claim to bring teachings from nearby star systems. One of the most intelligent British channels, Murry Hope, has 'come out' and declared that spiritually she is of alien origin. She is not the only one, and it gives a new twist to that seminal social science concept 'alienation'.