In Depth:  Lee Emerson

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Deception:  breaking the spell

Deception: breaking the spell

Lee Emerson

The second part of Lee's series on deception

In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the whole of Narnia is under a spell – the White Witch has decreed that it will be perpetually winter, and everywhere is covered in a blanket of snow.

Is deception the hallmark of our times?

Is deception the hallmark of our times?

Lee Emerson

As I write, the Dyson Report has just laid bare the deception used by Martin Bashir to obtain the interview with Diana.

But actually this is symptomatic of the whole realm of public and political life, where lies and deceit are commonplace. Truth has indeed stumbled in the public squares (Isa. 59:14), as Chris Wright reminded us in his article ‘The Modern War on Truth’ (en January 2020).


Day of Prayer

Lee Emerson
Date posted: 1 Jan 2019

Dear en,

I was encouraged to read in the November edition about the ‘Day of Prayer for Britain: Brexit, Unity and Reformation’…until I came to the concluding remarks: ‘Brexit was likened to the Children of Israel leaving Egypt. Moses persisted. It was God who hardened Pharaoh’s heart. Finally, everyone was set free.’


UK under judgment

Lee Emerson
Date posted: 1 Mar 2018

Dear en,

I thought the article on judgment on the UK (December en) was very apposite, especially the comments under the section ‘closed minds’ about ‘ordinary English [maybe British?] people finding it so difficult even to contemplate a serious conversation about the gospel.’ This has certainly been my experience over the last few years, both meeting people on the doorstep in our church outreach and talking to several of those who come week-by-week (or sometimes less frequently) to church services, and yet who seem to have absolutely no conception of the spiritual life. No matter how clear the presentation of gospel truth, they seem totally impervious to it!

Milestones for churches

Milestones for churches

Lee Emerson

Lee Emerson asks how we can make best use of our church anniversaries

Do you ever weary of your church anniversary?

Exmouth extends

Exmouth extends

Lee Emerson

Scott Drive Church, Exmouth, officially opened its new building extension on September 21.

But the church’s real agenda is to see God’s kingdom extended in this seaside town. Founded in 1966 by a retired minister who saw the need for an independent church with strong biblical foundations, years of valiant effort by many did not seem to be bearing fruit until recently. Then God blessed the congregation with increased numbers and several conversions.