In Depth:  Latin Link

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Guatemala: get together

Guatemala: get together

Latin Link

Over 150 people from all over Latin America, North America and Europe assembled in Guatemala City from the 1–7 of February for Latin Link International’s four-yearly International Assembly.

Missionaries, support staff and associates made the trip to the Central American republic, where the main order of business was welcoming Latin Link’s new International Team Leader Paul Turner, who assumes the role from Alan Tower.

Peru: jam and mission

Peru: jam and mission

Latin Link

Homemade jam is bringing integral mission to Quechua communities of Cusco, it was reported in early August.

For the past four years, ATEK, an organisation that seeks to strengthen local churches through the use of Quechua Scriptures, has provided training in needy communities of Paruro province.

Guatemala: oasis of hope

Guatemala: oasis of hope

Latin Link

Since the start of January 2014, a Christian group in Guatemala has begun meeting the practical needs of some of the young abused girls from Guatemala’s streets and introducing them to Jesus at the same time.

For a long time, the Oasis centre had received calls from Guatemala’s Child Protection Agency, as well as organisations like International Justice Mission, asking if they could provide help for girls as young as ten, who had suffered from systematic sexual abuse and were pregnant.