In Depth:  Klaus Green

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Doctors’ dilemmas

Klaus Green

Book Review PLAYING GOD Talking about Ethics in Medicine and Technology

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Explored moves up a gear

Klaus Green

Book Review CHRISTIANITY EXPLORED Study Guide: leader's edition

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How do depressives hear preaching?

Klaus Green

Have you ever considered the likely difficulties that listening to the preached word presents to someone who is suffering with, or recovering from depression?

Facing up to the social interaction of meeting people at church will be hard enough, but think about the sermon itself:

Unloading the Overload - A Christian Guide to Managing Stress

Klaus Green

Book Review UNLOADING THE OVERLOAD A Christian Guide to Managing Stress

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Cloning . . . Cloning . . . Cloning

Klaus Green

In this second article on the subject, EN looks at the science involved in cloning.

Our aim is to explain the processes involved in the new bio-sciences, and so enable Christians to engage in the arguments regarding the associated ethical issues. If we fail to understand the issues, we run the risk of rejecting all developments in a blanket fashion, or, perhaps, the greater danger of basing any objections on just one part of the argument.

Notes on dealing with depressive illness

Klaus Green

We all experience different moods and stresses at different times. We can find ourselves stressed by commitments, demands, tragedies and trials of various kinds.

Perhaps it is as if a human being has an elastic band inside which feels the tension. These stresses cause a response in us. We feel 'down' or 'low' or 'depressed.' Negative patterns of thoughts about ourselves and our situation arise.