In Depth:  Keswick Ministries

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An uplifting start to Keswick Convention 2024

An uplifting start to Keswick Convention 2024

Keswick Ministries

Keswick Convention 2024 has been welcoming new and returning visitors to Keswick this week as the first of three weeks of engaging Bible teaching and worship run by Keswick Ministries in the heart of the Lake District kicks off.

The first week of the annual event welcomed a host of speakers exploring different topics around this year’s theme – Resurrection - including morning Bible Reader David Gibson, exploring the book of Isaiah.

Kay links with Keswick

Kay links with Keswick

Keswick Ministries

The Keswick Convention has invited disability expert Kay Morgan-Gurr to help them make the event more accessible.

Having trained as a nurse, specialising in children who had disabilities, Kay stepped into full-time ministry as a Children’s Evangelist nearly 30 years ago. She’s been passionate about inclusion since she was a teenager and saw her ministry to children as a way to make a difference. Today, she works solely in ministry with and alongside those with disabilities and additional needs and is co-founder of the Additional Needs Alliance. She also serves on the Evangelical Alliance council, as well as working alongside other Christian events.

Keswick developments

Keswick Ministries

The planning application for development into a conference of the Pencil Factory centre is due to go before the Lake District National Park planners in December.

The pencil factory warehouse and admin building will be demolished to create space for the 2020 in time for the main tent Keswick Convention.

Chris Wright: a wee Belfast boy

Chris Wright: a wee Belfast boy

Keswick Ministries

My parents were missionaries for 20 years in Brazil before I was born.

Two of my older siblings were born there. I arrived after they returned to Belfast shortly after the Second World War. So I grew up in a home where Christian faith was inseparable from mission commitment and global interest (aided by a stamp-collecting hobby). I remember asking Jesus to come into my heart as a young child of five or six, when my brother Paul asked me if my name was in the Lamb’s Book of Life; and when I asked how I could be sure (probably not quite understanding which book he had in mind), he told me to do just that.

David Cook

David Cook

Keswick Ministries

In 1962 my father, at the age of 47, became a Christian.

He had been in daily business contact with a man who had persistently shared the gospel with him for over 12 months, and he finally came to Christ.

Christopher Ash: ongoing surrender

Christopher Ash: ongoing surrender

Keswick Ministries

I suppose most of us sometimes wish our stories were more exciting than they are.

That goes for the stories of how God first brought us to faith in Jesus Christ; we sometimes wish – foolishly – that the contrast with our pre-conversion life might be more dramatic because we had sunk into deeper depths of sinfulness before our conversions than we did.

Mission comes front and centre

Mission comes front and centre

Keswick Ministries

Tim Chester is our guide along the Keswick Convention’s path to world mission

‘Unknown to me, I had been waiting for this moment. Every part of me tingled with fervent joy and happiness that I was allowed the privilege of responding, and that Christ was inviting me to serve him, to be called his ambassador, his missionary.’

SENT: when mission takes us to a holiday cottage

SENT: when mission takes us to a holiday cottage

Keswick Ministries

If a holiday cottage could write, it would fill many a book.

Visitors come and go and the cottage is woven into the tapestry of life. More often than not, the cottage forms the centrepiece of the annual holiday highlight. It offers four walls of protection from the hustle and bustle of the daily slog, a much-needed haven. Depending on its setting, it will also serve as a door into another world, a world of beauty and escape.



Keswick Ministries

This year’s theme, SENT is at the heart of what the Keswick Convention has long been about: mission.

Mission overseas and mission ‘right where you are’, a going out into the world sharing the good news of the gospel through word and deed. This year, visitors to the Keswick Convention will have the opportunity to take a peek into the world of mission and experience some of the many opportunities we have, as Christians, to reach out to the lost and suffering. For the first time ever, the Global Village Experience will be available at the Convention and will be hosted on the pencil factory site right next to the missions exhibition tent, Base Camp.

Keswick co-operation

Keswick Ministries

Thirteen members of the Keswick business community and representatives of the town council met with Keswick Ministries on 6 September to discuss better ways of working together.

Suggestions were put forward to help find more synergies between the Convention and businesses in the town. Keswick Ministries are introducing initiatives including a quarterly town liaison meeting; offering businesses physical and online advertising space during the Convention, as well as promotion from the stage; and cutting back on the afternoon Convention programme so people can have more time to enjoy what is on offer in the town.

Alistair Begg’s story

Alistair Begg’s story

Keswick Ministries

Alistair Begg is Senior Pastor at Parkside Church in Cleveland, Ohio, and the Bible teacher on Truth For Life, which is heard on the radio and online around the world. He graduated from theological college in London and served two churches in Scotland before moving to Ohio. He is married to Susan and together they have three grown children and four granddaughters.

Here Alistair tells us how he came to faith in Jesus and his early years as a Christian.

Hearing God in the Old Testament

Hearing God in the Old Testament

Keswick Ministries

I asked my wife, Bridget, for her thoughts on where to go with this article. She laughed and said: ‘Why do you ask me? You’re the one who’s taught the Old Testament!’ Then she added: ‘But I do keep hearing people saying, “I find the Old Testament really hard.”’

I’ve heard that many times, too. So I want to do three things here: acknowledge some of the challenges; ground our view of the Old Testament as God’s Word; give one pointer as to how to hear God’s Word in the Old Testament (OT).

How Ivor Poobalan came to faith

How Ivor Poobalan came to faith

Keswick Ministries

My journey as a disciple of the Lord Jesus began when I was 15. I had been a rather devout churchgoer, following my mother’s Methodist tradition, and I and my siblings were taken regularly to Sunday School from the time we were toddlers. Also, I had been educated at Wesley College, the only Methodist school for boys in Sri Lanka, where I enjoyed the weekly lessons on Scripture.

But by the time I reached my teens an awful realisation began to dawn on me. Despite my best efforts and genuine respect for biblical truth, I found that I was no match for the power of temptation and sin that exercised such control over me. Along with this I discovered that I was increasingly afraid – afraid of people’s opinions, afraid of my own weaknesses, afraid of the future, and greatly afraid of death.

David Jackman’s story

David Jackman’s story

Keswick Ministries

I became a Christian a few weeks before my eighth birthday. It was in my father's Sunday School class that I realised that the Lord Jesus had died for my sins. And so, in my childlike way, I received Christ Jesus as Lord and knew that I belonged to him.

When I was in my teens, I used to think that was a very ordinary thing to say – dull even. Sometimes I longed to have a more exciting story to tell, of a dramatic rescue from a lurid past. But as I have got older and, perhaps, a little wiser, I have come to understand that my rescue is just as unique and extraordinary an example of the magnificent grace of God as any other.

From Golf to the Word of God

From Golf to the Word of God

Keswick Ministries

Less than five minutes into the conversation with James Robson it becomes apparent that he is passionate about teaching people the Word of God. Wrestling with Scripture is at the heart of what motivates him, as is his desire to follow Jesus and be changed in the process.

As a child, James, one of three boys, loved all kinds of sports and games. Everything was a challenge and a competition. While one of his brothers became one of England’s top professional bridge players and the other runs an investment bank, the Lord had different plans for James.

Steve Brady’s story

Steve Brady’s story

Keswick Ministries

Steve Brady, Principal of Moorlands College in Dorset, will tell you that he is from Liverpool and a true Evertonian.

Steve Brady loves football, but truly comes alive when talking about the Word of God. Steve comes from a mixed church background and had little to do with church during his childhood.

The Derwent Project

The Derwent Project

Keswick Ministries

Keswick Ministries’ Board of Trustees revealed the vision for its development plans, named The Derwent Project, in mid-November.

As part of this, Keswick Ministries (KM) acquired the former pencil factory site adjacent to its existing Rawnsley property in Keswick. The decision to purchase the site came as a result of KM’s continued growth.

Keswick is  growing

Keswick is growing

Keswick Ministries

2015 sees the 140th anniversary of the Keswick Convention and the possibility of an addition to the current site.

The possibility of securing the land adjacent to the Rawnsley site in Keswick, through purchasing the former Derwent Pencil Factory site, has arisen. In looking at how best to manage a growing event and being keen to integrate many things at one main site, this new step forward will secure the future for a growing summer convention, as well as allowing for an extension of activities at other times of the year.

Keswick: glorious weeks

Keswick: glorious weeks

Keswick Ministries

The annual Keswick Convention held during July and early August saw an estimated 12,000-15,000 people visit for bible study and worshipping God together.

Weeks of almost unbroken sunshine went together with record attendances. Around 3,700 people were at the Bible readings with Oxford University mathematician Professor John Lennox, plus around 800 children and young people in groups. A 95-year-old local lady, Sally, was there again: she has been coming to the Convention since she was five!