In Depth:  Kenneth Brownell

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How to live in a ‘negative world’

How to live in a ‘negative world’

Kenneth Brownell

Aaron Renn is one of the most perceptive commentators on American evangelicalism as well as the broader culture.

A few years ago, he turned an online post into an article for First Things, an influential American journal on Christian public engagement, in which he described what he called the three worlds of evangelicalism. It became one of the most read and talked-about articles in the Christian world and even the secular media in the United States. He has now turned the article into a book.

By faith we see the hand of God

By faith we see the hand of God

Kenneth Brownell

Book Review ‘I THANKED THE LORD, AND ASKED FOR MORE’: George Muller’s Life and Work

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Calvinistic catechising

Calvinistic catechising

Kenneth Brownell

Book Review BELIEVE: what should I know

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London: Reformation 500

Kenneth Brownell

The Reformation rediscovery of the gospel can be summed up in two words, ‘Do’ and ‘Done’ said Pete Woodcock at the start of the Reformation 500 Conference at East London Tabernacle on 6 and 7 October.

Peter was preaching from Romans 1.16-17, the passage that Luther struggled to understand when he made his great breakthrough. He realised that righteousness was not what God demanded we do, but what he gives those who believe in Jesus on the basis of what he has done. Pete passionately reminded the audience of the gospel at the heart of the Reformation and biblical Christianity.


Church plants again

Kenneth Brownell
Date posted: 1 Feb 2017

Dear Sir,

Paul Hinton's letter highlights some very important issues in relation to church planting.

Against megachurch

Against megachurch

Kenneth Brownell


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Christian compendium

Christian compendium

Kenneth Brownell

Book Review CONFESSING THE FAITH A Reader’s Guide to the Westminster Confession of Faith

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Mayflower days

Mayflower days

Kenneth Brownell

Book Review TRAVEL WITH THE PILGRIM FATHERS The Promise and Price of Religious Freedom

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Meet the big guys!

Meet the big guys!

Kenneth Brownell

Book Review INTRODUCING MAJOR THEOLOGIANS: From the Apostolic Fathers to the Twentieth Century

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Use it, don’t lose it!

Use it, don’t lose it!

Kenneth Brownell

Book Review CONFESSING THE FAITH A reader’s guide to the Westminster Confession of Faith

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The blight of liberal evangelicalism

The blight of liberal evangelicalism

Kenneth Brownell

Book Review THE URBAN PULPIT: New York City and the fate of liberal evangelicalism

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