In Depth:  Keith Sinclair

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Compelled to resist: 5,000+ already – and you?

Compelled to resist: 5,000+ already – and you?

Keith Sinclair Keith Sinclair

I have recently returned from Kigali, Rwanda, and the fourth GAFCON conference (Global Anglicans from over 50 countries coming together because of deep concern about unbiblical teaching and practise across the world in the Anglican Church).

The title of the conference was ‘To whom shall we go?’ and the answer was clear: to Jesus, and with Him we go to the rest of the world. It was an inspiration to be hosted by the Anglican Church of Rwanda, and though the conference was trying to find a good way to respond to hugely concerning developments, especially in the Church of England, the reality and joy of worship, Bible teaching and simply wonderful testimony to the Lord’s goodness was, to quote Jeremiah, to know there is a balm in Gilead!

Will the Church of England keep the faith?

Will the Church of England keep the faith?

Keith Sinclair Keith Sinclair

In February it is likely the General Synod of the Church of England will be asked to express its opinions/wishes about the Church of England’s teaching and practice in relation to marriage, gender identity and sexuality following recommendations released on 20 January from the bishops at the end of the process known as ‘Living in Love and Faith’ (LLF). Any decisions will shape the future of the Church of England for a generation and more.

The Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) believes that the current doctrine and liturgy of the Church of England around issues of human sexuality reflects the revelation of God as given in the Bible and as understood across centuries and continents.

Whatever your denomination, PRAY for C of E bishops

Whatever your denomination, PRAY for C of E bishops

Keith Sinclair Keith Sinclair

If you are not in the habit of praying for bishops, please pray for them this autumn.

They are meeting three times to discern the way forward for the Church of England after the Living in Love and Faith course (LLF).

From Russia to the CofE, we need prophets!

From Russia to the CofE, we need prophets!

Keith Sinclair Keith Sinclair

If you want a suggestion for summer reading, how about Jeremiah or Ezekiel? If quite a lot of prophecy is too much, how about a shorter narrative like Esther or Daniel? I’m thinking, with all that is going on in the world and all that may happen in the Church of England this year, more familiarity with these great books of the Bible would be good.

Mind you, prophecy is not always (often?) easy reading. Remember the King of Israel’s greeting of the first of the great prophets, Elijah; ‘Is it you, you troubler of Israel?’ – to which the Lord puts into Elijah’s mouth these brilliant words: ‘I have not troubled Israel, but you have, and your father’s house, because you have forsaken the commandments of the Lord’ (1 Kings 18:17).

We don’t graduate from our need to trust and obey

We don’t graduate from our need to trust and obey

Keith Sinclair Keith Sinclair

I’m writing just as 2022 has begun. Looking forward to this year in the Church of England it’s not hard to see some significant challenges ahead.

One is exhaustion and weariness in the face of the ongoing pandemic. My impression from Anglican clergy is the challenge of patient endurance in the face of tragedy, hardship and crisis, including in some cases the personal crisis of the minister, taking their toll with the accumulated pressure of these last two years.

Remembering unsung heroes this summer holiday

Remembering unsung heroes this summer holiday

Keith Sinclair Keith Sinclair

If you are able to enjoy a holiday this August, why not give a thought to the unsung heroes of the last year.

As I write, the news is full of the resignation of the Health Minister, Matt Hancock, for breaching the Covid guidelines; no one seems to me much interested in his breaching of the seventh commandment on adultery, though I hope he will become repentant about that as well.