In Depth:  Kate Peters

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EMA: remaining ‘rugged’

EMA: remaining ‘rugged’

Kate Peters

The recent Evangelical Ministry Assembly (EMA) 2024 brought together evangelicals from across different spheres to encourage and strengthen those involved in Bible ministry.

Under the theme of ‘Steady’, EMA urged attendees to hold fast to evangelical convictions as they grapple over critical decisions facing their churches. The focus on steadiness was not only a theme but a call to action, encouraging all attendees to remain unwavering in their mission despite the challenges of our times. During the three days, the stage was shared by leaders from across the evangelical world: Kevin DeYoung, Michael Reeves, Conrad Mbewe, Andrew Sach, Jason Roach, and James Robson. Speakers challenged those present to remain rugged in faith, to stay true to evangelical history, and to rely on the power of God’s word in our proclamation.