In Depth:  Kate Duncan

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New Christian student resources for pandemic

New Christian student resources for pandemic

Kate Duncan

Student Christian umbrella group UCCF is launching new resources to enable students to engage with the gospel and keep making Jesus known.

The Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF) has planned resources for Christian Unions (CUs) which cover all eventualities in the current pandemic. ‘More than ever we will need to encourage our CUs to maintain and sharpen the tools used for the kind of evangelism that has been bearing fruit, albeit with a somewhat different expression from what has gone before,’ says Peter Dray, UCCF Head of Creative Evangelism.

UCCF: introducing students to Jesus

UCCF: introducing students to Jesus

Kate Duncan

Manchester CU students woke up on the final day of Home, their February mission week, to a Facebook review that was painful to read. A student, who had attended events during the week, had written: ‘I can’t fault the friendliness of those helping with the week … but Home has put me off Christianity more than any other engagement I’ve had with faith.’

An estimated 50,000 students will have attended a Christian Union (CU) mission over these past few weeks. Across the country, CUs have sought to give every student an opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel through high-profile, focused weeks of engaging, persuasive and creative evangelism. As the Parable of the Sower tells us, the response will be mixed. This Manchester review was a sobering reminder that, despite all the CU’s efforts to bring people to Christ, some seed falls on the path and is immediately snatched away.

UCCF: tackling loneliness at university

UCCF: tackling loneliness at university

Kate Duncan

As campuses get bigger and social media gets louder, there is an increasing danger of loneliness in our universities.

According to recent research, people between the ages of 16 and 24 are the loneliest in our society, with one in six saying they have not found any real friends while at university.1

The Third Degree


Kate Duncan

‘It is amazing see God work in front of my eyes.

‘I brought my friend to the Story mission week and, despite personal struggles with suffering, she was able to start believing in God.’

The last best opportunity
The Third Degree

The last best opportunity

Kate Duncan

University is a key moment.

From day one, university promises a chance to reinvent yourself, to make lifelong friends and to load your CV with qualifications that will guarantee you your dream job upon graduating.

The Third Degree


Kate Duncan

Spring months are busy.

It’s the time of mission weeks. By contrast the pace of the university summer term can seem slower as students knuckle down for end-of-year deadlines and exams. Yet with these stresses and challenges also comes a stream of evangelistic opportunities – in Christ and in Christ alone can we find rest for our weary souls and purpose for our lives. So, despite the increase in deadlines and work pressures, Christian Unions (CUs) continue in their gospel mission.

Making friends in Kingston
The Third Degree

Making friends in Kingston

Kate Duncan

‘Would you be interested in our events this week?’

I was offering an information flyer to passersby in the university hallway, a busy thoroughfare en route to lectures. Most students had taken one. Some even stopped to chat, asking ‘What’s this about?’ or having a go on the ‘Question Wheel’ – discussing purpose, identity or love over a free bowl of cereal or cup of coffee.

The Third Degree


Kate Duncan

‘I've got some questions’, Rachel began.

‘I think we can take things to another level with the carol service.’

Great Forum
The Third Degree

Great Forum

Kate Duncan

I’m shivering in a tent!

I’m in a Shropshire field surrounded by over 1,000 students. It is Forum, UCCF’s national training conference for Christian Union (CU) leaders, and it’s hugely exciting.

7 ways to support graduates
The Third Degree

7 ways to support graduates

Kate Duncan

Leaving the UCCF office in Oxford over the past few weeks has become an occupational hazard.

‘Trashings’ are in full swing and if you’re not careful you can get caught in the crossfire of silly string, shaving foam and champagne. Finalists are celebrating finishing their last exam and their time at university.

Students reach students
The Third Degree

Students reach students

Kate Duncan

Kate Duncan and relay worker Joanna Robertson share five ways

Over the last three months, more than 38,000 students have attended a university Christian Union mission week event.

Student carol services
The Third Degree

Student carol services

Kate Duncan

Carol services remain a popular part of Christmas for students.

Christian Unions (CUs) are uniquely placed in their universities to provide that festive celebration and share the good news of Christ incarnate in creative ways.

IFES World Assembly
The Third Degree

IFES World Assembly

Kate Duncan

What do you get when you gather 1,000 evangelicals from 148 countries in a Mexican resort?

Nothing less than una fiesta grande: a plethora of culture and a little foretaste of Revelation 7.9: ‘…there before me was a great multitude that no-one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb…’

She’s leaving home
The Third Degree

She’s leaving home

Kate Duncan

In two months another 600,000 new students will start at Britain’s universities.

For any new student this is both an exciting and daunting time, and marks the start of what is often a life-defining experience.

CU Spring missions
The Third Degree

CU Spring missions

Kate Duncan

‘For the first time, I have begun to understand Christianity.’

So said a student at a London university following an evening of Sixties’ style festival fun and a talk on ‘The God who Loves us’. She had joined hundreds of other students for one of the joint London Christian Unions’ (CU) city-wide events during their mission week in January. It was a week of creative and persuasive evangelism with lunchbars, Text-a-Toasties, question boards, free cafés, photo booths, questionnaires, Grill-a-Christian, Meals with a Message, art exhibitions, musical performances, testimonies and dramas.