In Depth:  Juliet Sargeant

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Slavery garden wins at Chelsea

Slavery garden wins at Chelsea

Juliet Sargeant

en interviews Juliet Sargeant, designer of the garden which references William Wilberforce and slavery today

en: Big congratulations on winning gold for your slavery garden. How were you inspired to the design? Did it come from a single idea or did it evolve with input from others?
Having started off knowing nothing about modern slavery at the beginning of this project, I was made aware of its presence in London (and every major city in the UK) by listening to Kevin Hyland, the new UK Anti-Slavery Commissioner. He said that as a serving police officer he participated in raids in the fashionable and wealthy Chelsea area of London. It is here that the world-famous Chelsea Flower Show is staged every year, so I took myself off to Chelsea for inspiration.