In Depth:  Julian Hardyman

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‘Rasoa’s baby is not breathing ... when the surgeon pulls it out...’

‘Rasoa’s baby is not breathing ... when the surgeon pulls it out...’

Julian Hardyman

Rasoa is tired. She tossed and turned all night and could not sleep. She shares her thin mat of straw and raffia with her mother and two younger sisters.

Sleeping on the floor takes up more than half of the brick house, which has neither windows nor a proper door. Groaning, Rasoa rises and leaves the room.

Keep going…

Keep going…

Julian Hardyman

Book Review DON’T GIVE UP Faith that gives you the confidence to keep believing and the courage to keep going

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Fresh pathways in prayer

Fresh pathways in prayer

Julian Hardyman

Employing Psalm 103, Julian Hardyman encourages us to talk to ourselves when we are struggling to praise God

I have two main problems in going to church services.

New to Corinth

New to Corinth

Julian Hardyman

Book Review 1 CORINTHIANS Tyndale New Testament Commentaries

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Singing uphill

Singing uphill

Julian Hardyman


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Three little books of guidance

Three little books of guidance

Julian Hardyman

Book Review WHO WAS JESUS?

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Do preachers need to know Aristotle?

Do preachers need to know Aristotle?

Julian Hardyman

Book Review CATCHING THE WAVE Preaching the New Testament as Rhetoric

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It didn’t do much for me

It didn’t do much for me

Julian Hardyman

Book Review MIRACLES What they are, why they happen and how they can change your life.

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Evangelicals should repent

Julian Hardyman

Book Review EMBRACING TRUTH Homosexuality and the Word of God

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A battle I face

Julian Hardyman

An interview with Vaughan Roberts, Rector of St Ebbes Church, Oxford, by Julian Hardyman, Senior Pastor of Eden Baptist Church, Cambridge, about same-sex attraction.

Julian: Vaughan, earlier this year your book Battles Christians Face was republished in a fifth anniversary edition. You added a new preface which included these words: This ‘is the most personal of my books, partly … because I wrote out of my own experience. We all face battles in the Christian life, some of which are common to each of us, while others are shared only by a few. Of the many battles I could have written about, I chose to focus on eight which, to a greater or lesser degree, I face myself’. What responses have you had?
Vaughan: The fact that a pastor struggles with image, lust, guilt, doubt, pride and keeping spiritually fresh is not exactly a revelation to anyone who knows their own heart and understands that Christian leaders are weak and sinful too; and the admission of an occasional struggle with depression causes no surprise these days. The fact that the other chapter is on homosexuality, however, has caused a small ripple of reaction and led some to ask why I wrote those words and what I meant by them.

Canny and compassionate

Julian Hardyman

Book Review GOOD NEWS ABOUT INJUSTICE A witness of courage in a hurting world

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10 out of 10

Julian Hardyman

Book Review THE LETTER TO THE HEBREWS Pillar New Testament Commentary

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Up with the besT

Julian Hardyman

Book Review ISAIAH Volume 1: chapters 1-39

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How to make your pastor look shifty

Julian Hardyman

You are a nice kind person, I’m sure, so you won’t want to do this. But if you aren’t, let me tell you an almost sure way to make your pastor or vicar look shifty and feel guilty.

Ask him a question. Not ‘How much of your last four sermons did you get from the internet?’ or even ‘How many non-Christian friends do you have?’ or ‘What is your Five Year Strategy for the church?’ (though those might achieve the desired effect). Try this: ‘How often do you work on your day off?’

‘Out-rejoicing our adversaries’

Julian Hardyman

Book Review CONTENDING FOR OUR ALL Defending truth and treasuring Christ in the lives of Athanasius, John Owen and J. Gresham Machen

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More blessed to give…

Julian Hardyman

Book Review THE POWER OF GENEROSITY How to transform yourself and your world

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No matter how long you've been a Christian, read this

Julian Hardyman

Book Review MAKING SENSE OF THE NEW TESTAMENT Three crucial questions

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David for real life

Julian Hardyman

Book Review THE STORY OF DAVID After God's Heart

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