In Depth:  Julia Cameron

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Timothy Dudley-Smith: A life in three scenes

Timothy Dudley-Smith: A life in three scenes

Julia Cameron


Timothy Dudley-Smith will be remembered best for his rich contribution to hymnody. He is widely-regarded as the greatest modern hymnwriter of the 20th and early 21st centuries. At his 90th birthday celebration, Pam Rhodes, presenter of BBC Songs of Praise, described his popularity as springing out of ‘his understanding of the human condition’.

Tom Houston: Gifted leader with huge global influence

Tom Houston: Gifted leader with huge global influence

Julia Cameron

Tom Houston was one of the most highly-gifted leaders of his generation. He led three movements of global reach, bringing a fine mind to analysis and strategy, and an unusual gift in preaching.

Tom grew up in Dumbarton, on the Clyde, and read Classics at Glasgow University. From teenage years he was a keen member of Glasgow Youth for Christ, and through YFC he met his future wife, Hazel Findlay. At the age of 23 he was appointed pastor of Johnstone Baptist Church, while completing a BD, and teaching Greek to undergraduates. From there he became Chaplain of Quarriers Homes in Bridge of Weir, ministering to 500 deprived children, as well as 150 epileptic patients, and 250 staff.

Frank Entwistle 1937 – 2022

Frank Entwistle 1937 – 2022

Julia Cameron

Frank Entwistle will best be remembered for his leadership of Inter-Varsity Press (IVP) for 25 years, retiring in 2002.

Set up in 1936 as the Publishing House of the Inter-Varsity Fellowship (later UCCF), IVP was the strongest and most widely-known independent evangelical publisher of its day. Frank Roland Entwistle grew up in Lancashire, imbibing a love of books and of reading from his father. Following his conversion aged 14, he set his heart on ordination, and later studied theology at St John’s College, Durham, choosing a special option on Luther and Calvin. He was prepared for ordination at Cranmer Hall. The fairly conservative faculty, and the strong inter-collegiate Christian Union (DICCU), gave Frank a thorough Biblical grounding. While at Durham he met his wife, Beryl, and they married during his curacy at St John’s Harborne in Birmingham. In 1965 Frank joined the home staff of what is now Crosslinks, editing the Society’s magazine and books.

Bleeding for Jesus: some initial thoughts

Bleeding for Jesus: some initial thoughts

Julia Cameron

Review BLEEDING FOR JESUS: John Smyth and the cult of Iwerne camps

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John Stott - what you should know

John Stott - what you should know

Julia Cameron

The centenary of John Stott’s birth falls on 27 April 2021. As he died ten years ago, his name won’t be well-known to younger readers. This is one reason why we are holding centenary events, to introduce his name and his legacy to a new generation.

The breadth of John Stott’s influence is remarkable. Aged 29, he was appointed Rector of All Souls Langham Place, next door to the BBC. He wrote years later of how ‘dissatisfaction’ is a mark of a leader, and he showed it himself from early days. Decades before the term ‘fresh expressions’ was coined, he opened the All Souls Clubhouse, a church for the unchurched, in the poorer part of his parish. He started guest services, then unheard-of, beginners’ groups, and training courses for lay leaders. And he was a seer. So international students became a focus in the post-colonial 1960s as newly-established governments began sending their most able to the UK. The list goes on.

Mary Gladstone 1926 – 2020

Mary Gladstone 1926 – 2020

Julia Cameron

While Mary Gladstone’s name may not be widely known, the fruit of her labours is clearly evident.

As a new Christian at Cambridge, she and her friends befriended an unconverted fresher, Helen Roseveare, later to become one of the foremost missionaries of the 20th century.

Margaret Weston 1929–2019

Margaret Weston 1929–2019

Julia Cameron

Generations of Christian Union members will remember Margaret Weston with affec-tion and gratitude. Her husband, Canon Keith Weston, was a widely-loved speaker in CUs and Margaret often travelled with him, making herself available to talk with students.

From 1964 to 1985, Keith was Rector of St Ebbe’s Church, Oxford. Margaret exercised a pastoral ministry among its students, as among members of the parish. The rectory was then amid some of the most deprived housing in the county.

Remembering Frances Whitehead

Remembering Frances Whitehead

Julia Cameron

Frances Whitehead brought unusual energy and passion to her role as John Stott’s secretary – ‘a most understated job title’, as Hugh Palmer made clear in his opening remarks at her thanksgiving service in All Souls, Langham Place.

It is widely agreed that the reach and extent of John Stott’s ministry was doubled by Frances. Days were long and full. She handled an enormous correspondence, typed Stott’s books from longhand, and oversaw the infrastructure of each of his endeavours until it could be handed on. Their partnership was unequalled; and they would become known around the world as ‘Uncle John’ and ‘Auntie Frances’.

Keith Small 1959–2018

Keith Small 1959–2018

Julia Cameron

Keith Small was one of the foremost Qur’an scholars of our time. His work on early manuscripts was to provoke new questions among secular and Islamic scholars alike.

While at Dallas Theological Seminary, Keith read of Henry Martyn, and resolved to give his life to work among Muslims. He married Celeste Gardner in 1985, equally committed to the Muslim world, and they moved to the UK in 1989, settling in Dewsbury.

Professor R. J. (Sam) Berry 1934 – 2018

Professor R. J. (Sam) Berry 1934 – 2018

Julia Cameron

Sam Berry came to faith in Christ through Iwerne camps, while at Shrewsbury School. From his Cambridge days as an undergraduate in natural sciences, he took a clear stand as a Christian, arguing that a model of evolution should not hinder a belief in a Creator.

In 1975 he published his first book, Adam and the Ape. From here he became known as a leading apologist for theistic evolution. In 1974, he had been appointed as Professor of Genetics at University College London, a chair he would hold until 2000. The tribute from UCL described him as ‘a massive figure in evolutionary and ecological genetics, biodiversity and conservation biology’ and noted his Christian faith. Sam was a man of immense output. His books included academic titles in biological science and Christian apologetics. He was generous with his time, accepting many speaking engagements, and lending his name and presence to a range of initiatives in the area of ecology. While eminent in his field, he wore his achievement lightly.

Michael Rees 1937 – 2018

Michael Rees 1937 – 2018

Julia Cameron

Michael Rees, with his welcoming smile, will be remembered by generations of Cambridge students as the vicar of Holy Trinity Church (1972 –1984).

Michael stayed close to the CICCU, and after the Sunday evening service dispersed, the CICCU would take over the building for its weekly evangelistic address.

Helen Roseveare 1925–2016

Helen Roseveare 1925–2016

Julia Cameron

Julia Cameron reflects on the remarkable life and ministry of Dr Helen Roseveare, who died on 7 December 2016 aged 91

Helen Roseveare is widely-recognised as one of the most courageous and influential missionaries of the 20th century.

Charles Simeon by a billabong

Charles Simeon by a billabong

Julia Cameron

Book Review FROM CAMBRIDGE TO COLONY: Charles Simeon’s Enduring Influence on Christianity in Australia

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Audrey Osei-Mensah 1936 –2016

Audrey Osei-Mensah 1936 –2016

Julia Cameron

Audrey Laura Osei-Mensah was born in East Ham and professed faith in Christ aged 14, through her confirmation class in Wanstead. In 1955 she went up to Birmingham University to read geography. As she wrote in her memoirs: ‘It was during my first year that Bible study replaced geography as my first love, which it has remained ever since!’

She served on the Birmingham CU Exec alongside a thoughtful student from Ghana: Gottfried Osei-Mensah, with whom she maintained a friendship while teaching at Clarendon School from 1959 to 1962. In 1962 she applied for a position with SIM in Nigeria, whereupon Gottfried, by now with Mobil Oil in Accra, proposed to her. At her father’s suggestion, she first went to Ghana for three months to get to know Gottfried’s family and context. They married the following year.



Julia Cameron

Six years after the Third Lausanne Congress came the Third Lausanne Younger Leaders’ Gathering (YLG2016) in Jakarta.

YLG2016, held in August, was probably the most connected gathering of leaders ever. Its planning was chaired by a Brazilian, Sarah Breuel who, with her young family, is serving in Italy with IFES. In the previous year, an online platform was launched.

Five years after Cape Town

Five years after Cape Town

Julia Cameron

Julia Cameron brings us up-to-date with the Lausanne Movement

It is five years this month since the Cape Town Commitment was published. In that time it has spread out widely, and down deeply, across the continents, in major and ‘minor’ languages.

Nigel Sylvester 1929 –2015

Nigel Sylvester 1929 –2015

Julia Cameron

Ghana’s First Lady, Ernestina Mills, described Nigel Sylvester as ‘Ghana’s Wesley’. His influence was to spread across English-speaking Africa and then across the world.

Nigel Sylvester professed faith in Christ as a fresher in the Cambridge 1949 Barnhouse mission; shortly afterwards he lost both his parents in an aircrash. As a very young Christian, Nigel followed Mike Griffiths as CICCU President. With a First in Maths, he entered Ridley Hall with Mike Griffiths (later General Director of OMF) and Michael Allison (later PPS to Margaret Thatcher). Breaking with precedent, none was ordained.



Julia Cameron
Date posted: 1 Dec 2015

Dear en,

Like many, I was very grieved at the sudden and somewhat shocking news that IVP had become a wholly-owned subsidiary of SPCK. I write now only to reassure en read-ers on a question raised by your editorial comment in the November news piece.

OMF: ‘staying aligned’

OMF: ‘staying aligned’

Julia Cameron

Julia Cameron on the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Overseas Missionary Fellowship

A spoof of the Bee Gees song ‘Staying Alive’, was sung by senior leaders at OMF’s 150th anniversary, as a gathering in July celebrated its beliefs, vision, mission and values.


A building project?

Julia Cameron
Date posted: 1 Aug 2015

Dear en,

I plan to update my 2007 book Building for the Gospel: A handbook for the visionary and the terrified. It is written for churches which are exploring the possibility of a building project.

Ken Wycherley 1943 –2014

Ken Wycherley 1943 –2014

Julia Cameron

Ken Wycherley served with UCCF from 1975 to 1989, first as a Travelling Secretary, then on the senior staff team.

In the early 1980s he played a strategic role in restructuring the student department to meet the needs of rapid growth in the tertiary sector. Ken’s clarity of thought was appreciated by staff and student leaders alike, as policies and guidance were formulated on a range of campus issues. He always retained a strong commitment to evangelism and mission.


Were U an OICC?!

Julia Cameron
Date posted: 1 Sep 2014

Dear Sir,

The Oxford Inter-Collegiate Christian Union (OICCU) is once more gathering former members for an afternoon of renewed fellowship, news and stories. The speakers will be Andrew Atherstone (Wycliffe Hall, who is preparing a history of the OICCU), and Lindsay Brown (IFES/Lausanne Movement, a former OICCU president). Current student leaders will tell of plans for the 2015 Oxford University mission with Tim Keller.

Heart in Africa

Julia Cameron

Book Review DAVID LIVINGSTONE The unexplored story

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John Stott, 1921-2011

Julia Cameron

John Stott went to be with Christ on the afternoon of July 27, aged 90. He was listed by TIME magazine (April 2005) as one of the 100 most influential people in the world.

Column inches for his obituary in the UK broadsheets (all July 29) were more than would be afforded to most cabinet ministers.

Lausanne gives clear call

Julia Cameron

Lindsay Brown, International Director of The Lausanne Movement, gave the closing address at the Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelisation.

The first hope of Congress leaders was, he said, for ‘a ringing affirmation of the uniqueness of Christ, and the truth of the biblical gospel; and a clear statement on evangelism and the mission of the Church — all rooted in Scripture’. The Congress drew 4,000 evangelical leaders and influencers from 198 nations. In addition, the event extended its reach to 650 GlobaLink sites in 91 countries.

Will you join The Lausanne Global Conversation?

Julia Cameron

The past 20 years have been like no other in history. Everything about the way we think and live has changed.

The under-25s entered education when the concept of Truth had already become historical, even quaint. And the last quarter century has, as a result, proved fertile ground for amoral pragmatism, which, not surprisingly, gained easy acceptance in many areas of life. The church needs leaders who can discern the times, leaders like the men of Issachar (1 Chronicles 12.32).

James Philip, 1922-2009

Julia Cameron

James Philip, minister of Holyrood Abbey Church, Edinburgh (from 1958 to 1997), had probably the most searing intellect of his generation in the Church of Scotland. He was a humble man, warm in his pastoral concern, and much loved in the CUs.

His output was prolific; many of his sermons and Bible reading notes (covering the whole Bible) are on the web (, He loved the arts, classics and music, drawing on their grand themes to illustrate Scripture. There was something of the Apostle Paul’s burden upon him as he climbed the pulpit steps; he yearned to present everyone mature in Christ.

Stakes high on campus

Julia Cameron

The national press has never paid much attention to Christian Unions, but things are changing.

The Times gave a front page in November to four well-regarded universities where Christian Unions face discrimination. Rightly so, for religious issues on campus are not local difficulties (November 18 and letters following).

Memoirs of a motivator

Julia Cameron

Book Review DIGGING DITCHES The latest chapter of an inspirational life

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Lessons from the Cambodian church

Julia Cameron

The church in Cambodia went through cruel persecution 50 years after it was founded. Don Cormack's unique account of this period is in his book 'Killing Fields, Living Fields'. It has become one of the most 'talked about' books around.

We in the West have much to learn from the lives of Christians in that south east Asian land. Here Julia Cameron talks with Don Cormack.

Hot property

Julia Cameron


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Schaeffer revisited

Julia Cameron

Francis Schaeffer brought a prophetic message to the church over 30 years ago about the sanctity of human life. Dr. Robert W. Evans's forthcoming book 'The Descent of Dignity' revisits the message that Schaeffer implored us to hear.

JC: You describe Francis Schaeffer in your book as your unseen friend. Tell us about his influence on you.

Best China

Julia Cameron


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Triple murder 30 years on

Julia Cameron

Edinburgh. Wednesday January 5 1972. Elaine was in the basement of the Scripture Union building near the West end of Princes Street, rehearsing for an evangelistic concert.

Elaine was a gifted, warm-hearted extrovert, a few months away from sitting Higher exams at James Gillespie's High School. She was an achiever: academically across a range of subjects; on the sports field; as a musician with a fine soprano voice; and as a leader. That evening she sang a song about discovering faith, strumming her guitar.

Faith and hard work

Julia Cameron


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The Trio - remembered best by secular feminists

Julia Cameron

Virago Press keeps alive one of the greatest stories of women missionaries, now all but lost to evangelicals.

Hardly known for its love of Christian truth, Virago republished The Gobi Desert by Mildred Cable and Francesca French in the mid 1980s, and has included an excerpt from that in its Book of Women Travellers.

For disciples

Julia Cameron

Book Review A LIVING SACRIFICE: The life story of Allen Yuan

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Post-genocide Rwanda

Julia Cameron

Julia Cameron of IFESworld talks with Phocas Ngendahayo, General Secretary of the IFES student ministry in Rwanda.

JC: Phocas, tell us first about yourself.

PN: I have completed two terms at the Cornhill Training Course. One of my main activities in Rwanda is to teach the Bible in student Christian Unions. I'm a physiotherapist, so since I had no formal training in how to teach the Bible, I needed to be equipped in this way.

World Christians

Julia Cameron

Book Review WE ARE THE WORLD: Globalisation and the changing face of missions.

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A Grace Disguised

Julia Cameron


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The Blessing of Tears

Julia Cameron


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Julia Cameron

Book Review By Jane Grayshon

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