In Depth:  Jonathan Winch

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He earned money fighting - now he is a ministry assistant

He earned money fighting - now he is a ministry assistant

Jonathan Winch Jonathan Winch

‘If you ever lose a fight, you’ll have me to reckon with.’

Lucian Dumitrescu’s father was a man’s man, and he had no time for losers. Lucian only knew he had to do whatever it took to be stronger, faster and better trained than the other men he encountered in the back streets of his notorious Romanian neighbourhood. It wasn’t long before he was earning good money fighting – mostly illegally.

An alcoholic father. Homeless as a child  in Brazil. Ministry in Nepal. Now the UK…

An alcoholic father. Homeless as a child in Brazil. Ministry in Nepal. Now the UK…

Jonathan Winch Jonathan Winch

Jonathan Winch, Executive Director of Westminster Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Newcastle, spoke to Ronaldo André, one of their students. This is part of their conversation. ‘When I was five I ran away from home; my father was an alcoholic and would have killed me. I spent the next year and a half living on the streets of Brazil.

‘The police can’t arrest little children; they just beat them up and let them go. My life as a little child became about drugs, theft and robbery on behalf of the criminal gangs that vie for control of Brazil’s streets. I witnessed stabbings; I saw people setting others on fire. And then one day a woman stopped me and offered me a place in a children’s home.

Reformation  as revival

Reformation as revival

Jonathan Winch Jonathan Winch

Reformation as revival was the theme for Westminster Seminary’s sixth annual Newcastle conference in north-east England with Iain Murray.

Banner of Truth co-founder Murray told the Presbyterian event: ‘Every true revival begins with a rediscovery of the word of God … The power of the Holy Spirit accompanies the word … God becomes a reality to people as he makes himself known in the Lord Jesus Christ as the saving God.’