Crossing the Culture
Reaching the Sikh
community with the gospel
Although Sikhism is a major world reli-gion and the fourth largest UK religion,
it is surprising that even in well-stocked
Christian bookstores
is very
material in the way of reaching out to the
Sikh community. Typically in the apolo-getic section there are many books regard-ing Islam, some on Hinduism and a few
on Judaism and Buddhism, though little if
anything on Sikhism.
In 1992 Josh McDowell and Don Stewart
wrote ‘Sikhism is a religion all but unknown
to Western civilization’1. Strangely, we are left
with the same conclusion today.
Rugby, conversion & discipleship
Jon Taylor teases out the parallels between the game and Christian faith
There is a remarkable tradition of Bible-believing Christians who are zealous for God, playing World Cup rugby.
The historical Jesus
Jon Taylor reminds us of some of the evidence outside the Bible
No credible historian would deny that Jesus existed.