In Depth:  Jon Taylor

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Reaching the Sikh 
 community with the gospel
Crossing the Culture

Reaching the Sikh community with the gospel

Jon Taylor

Although Sikhism is a major world reli-gion and the fourth largest UK religion, it is surprising that even in well-stocked Christian bookstores there is very little material in the way of reaching out to the Sikh community. Typically in the apolo-getic section there are many books regard-ing Islam, some on Hinduism and a few on Judaism and Buddhism, though little if anything on Sikhism.

In 1992 Josh McDowell and Don Stewart wrote ‘Sikhism is a religion all but unknown to Western civilization’1. Strangely, we are left with the same conclusion today.

Rugby, conversion & discipleship

Rugby, conversion & discipleship

Jon Taylor

Jon Taylor teases out the parallels between the game and Christian faith

There is a remarkable tradition of Bible-believing Christians who are zealous for God, playing World Cup rugby.

The historical Jesus

The historical Jesus

Jon Taylor

Jon Taylor reminds us of some of the evidence outside the Bible

No credible historian would deny that Jesus existed.

Jesus, name above all names

Jon Taylor

Generally speaking, names have far greater significance in ancient society than in Britain today.

Exploring the meaning of the names of biblical characters and how that relates to unlocking theological truths is a fascinating exercise. Here then is a snapshot survey of some key Scripture names culminating with the Lord Jesus Christ, the name above all names.

The end of the world and 2012

Jon Taylor

It doesn’t seem that long ago since the hype, hysteria and scaremongering of Y2K fizzled out. Prior to that, the Jehovah’s Witnesses concocted a variety of dates in the previous century when the Lord Jesus was supposed to return. Unsurprisingly, the Lord didn’t return on those dates since Jesus clearly taught that no man knows the day or the hour (Matthew 24.36).

December coming?

Nevertheless, when engaging in open-air evangelism, one question that keeps cropping up time and time again is ‘what about December 21 2012 when either the world will supposedly end or something major is going to happen?’ In response, I usually mention the above and ask them why 2012 should be any different? The reply typically involves the complexity of the Mayan calendar predictions and the completion of its cycle, plus the I Ching, ancient Egyptian beliefs and the prophesies of Nostradamus being in common agreement. The decisive presupposition seems to be that if several worldviews share similarities about 2012 being a highly significant event, then it cannot be a coincidence.

The sufficiency of God's sovereignty

Jon Taylor

Man is futile in his attempts to defy God and his purposes. Although God is merciful, gracious and compassionate, he is also just and will by no means leave the wicked unpunished.

Using examples from Scripture I shall demonstrate how he uses individuals, leaders and nations as instruments of his judgment, thus proving his sovereignty over human events.