In Depth:  John Woods

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The best book to read is…

The best book to read is…

John Woods
John Woods


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'Submarines surfacing' at the Crosslands conference

'Submarines surfacing' at the Crosslands conference

John Woods
John Woods

Crosslands Training recently held their winter conference in Newcastle, three days in which all the parts of Crosslands come together for a brief moment.

John Woods was there and writes: I was staying with the family of a 3rd Year Crosslands Seminary student. The light was on in his office at 5am; that is when he does his course work and assignments. This exciting programme brings out that kind of commitment in people.

Disagreeing without being disagreeable

Disagreeing without being disagreeable

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review THE ART OF DISAGREEING: How to Keep Calm and Stay Friends in Hard Conversations

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Golden gospel nuggets

Golden gospel nuggets

John Woods
John Woods


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Introducing the prophets in Latvia
letter from Latvia

Introducing the prophets in Latvia

John Woods
John Woods

I am writing this letter while in Latvia on one of my regular visits to teach at the Latvian Biblical Centre (LBC) in Riga.

Over three weekends I am contributing to four of LBC’s programmes. So far, I have been teaching on Identity for the School of Christianity, Work and Society, Introducing the Prophets for the foundation course: Theology and Ministry, and The Kingdom of God on the Missional Church Programme. This is an example of the range of things that LBC offers. My final weekend in Latvia will be with the School of Preachers Course that I started in 2018. This is a two-year programme consisting of eight weekend teaching sessions with regular cluster group meetings for application in between these weekends. There have been 44 graduates from the course so far. It is a joy to see some of our students coming back to preach at our weekend sessions and field questions on how they approached their preparation.

Our top 5 books for leaders 2024

Our top 5 books for leaders 2024

John Woods
John Woods

Across the year, en have reviewed 98 of the very latest Christian books - from commentaries to biographies. Here the five we believe will serve Christian leaders best.

1. The Psalms:
A Christ-Centred Commentary

By Christopher Ash | £117.99 | Full review here

Our top 5 books of 2024

Our top 5 books of 2024

John Woods
John Woods

Across the year, en have reviewed 98 of the very latest Christian books - from commentaries to biographies. Here are our top five recommended reads this year.

1. Tis Mercy All:
The Power of Mercy in a Polarised World

By Natalie Williams | £11.99 | Full review here

Wise words on preaching from a master

Wise words on preaching from a master

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review PROCLAIMING THE WORD: Principles and Practices for Expository Preaching

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Christopher Ash: Christ, the Psalms and us

Christopher Ash: Christ, the Psalms and us

John Woods
John Woods

Following the publication of the new book, The Psalms: A Christ-Centered Commentary, en reviews editor John Woods spoke to the author, Christopher Ash, at Tyndale House.

Christopher is a Scholar-in-Residence at Tyndale House in Cambridge.

'A nice give away booklet' for carol services

'A nice give away booklet' for carol services

John Woods
John Woods


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Scattering seeds to get people thinking

Scattering seeds to get people thinking

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review HOW TO SPEAK LIFE: Sharing your Faith in 321

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'A treasure trove to be savoured daily'

'A treasure trove to be savoured daily'

John Woods
John Woods


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Christmas books to give away at carol services

Christmas books to give away at carol services

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review As a pastor I always looked forward to Christmas.

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Who do we think we are?

Who do we think we are?

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review CLASS and the Evangelical Church in England

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Down to earth Christianity: Getting our hands dirty

Down to earth Christianity: Getting our hands dirty

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review A BIT OF EARTH: A year in the garden with God

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Tune my heart to sing your praise

Tune my heart to sing your praise

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review THE PSALMS: A Christ-Centred Commentary

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Three’s a crowd?

Three’s a crowd?

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review THREE OR MORE: Reflections on Polyamory and Consensual Non-monogamy

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What do the Gallagher brothers teach us about unity?

What do the Gallagher brothers teach us about unity?

John Woods
John Woods

One of my favourite psalms is Psalm 133 which begins: 'How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!'

The 2011 NIV obscures the original word 'brothers', choosing to translate it with the more inclusive 'God's people'.

Meeting Ukrainian Christians in exile
letter from Portugal

Meeting Ukrainian Christians in exile

John Woods
John Woods

One of the spin offs from my links with the Latvian Biblical Centre is receiving invitations to lead preaching seminars with Russian-speaking congregations in Western Europe. At the end of June this brought me to Lisbon for a weekend of basic preaching training in Lisbon. 15-20 people gathered over the weekend to reflect on what we can learn about preaching from the Sermon on the Mount.

I shared the training with Victor Petrenko, the Director of the Latvian Biblical Centre, whose wife is Portuguese, and comes from Lisbon originally. We gave particular attention to how to begin and end a sermon; listeners are particularly keen for preachers to learn how to do the latter effectively and promptly!

‘Refresh yourself constantly in knowledge of the glory of God...’

‘Refresh yourself constantly in knowledge of the glory of God...’

John Woods
John Woods

en reviews editor John Woods speaks to Michael Reeves. Reeves oversees the work of Union School of Theology, and teaches in the areas of systematic and historical theology and also on preaching and spiritual formation. He is a local church minister, Director of the European Theologians Network, and speaks and teaches regularly worldwide. Previously he has been Head of Theology for student organisation UCCF and an Associate Minster at All Souls, Langham Place. He is married to Bethan and they have two daughters.

JW: What do you do when you are not preaching, teaching or writing?

On the road again!

On the road again!

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review THE NARROW PATH: How the subversive way of Jesus satis-fies our souls

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Non-technical, readable and accessible

Non-technical, readable and accessible

John Woods
John Woods


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Post-Christian culture considered

Post-Christian culture considered

John Woods
John Woods

This year’s ‘Think’ Conference has taken place in South East London.

Andrew Wilson was the convenor and main speaker and scene-setter at the conference that is held annually at King’s Church London, where he is one of the pastors.

Gospel centred

Gospel centred

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review THE TITUS REVOLUTION : Putting Godliness at the Heart of the Church

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Bad news!

Bad news!

John Woods
John Woods


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Correcting an imbalance in a mean world

Correcting an imbalance in a mean world

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review ‘TIS MERCY ALL: The Power of Mercy in a Polarised World

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Post-election: A tale of two speeches

Post-election: A tale of two speeches

John Woods
John Woods

Preachers, politicians and stand-up comedians still speak to crowds. President Zelensky of Ukraine has combined the last two of these in his colourful career. He has demonstrated the power of well-chosen words delivered in the right place to the right people.

Many speeches have been delivered during the UK election campaign that drew to a decisive conclusion on 4 July.

Is God real?

Is God real?

John Woods
John Woods


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Take me to your leader

Take me to your leader

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review STIRRERS AND SAINTS: Forming Spiritual Leaders of Skill, Depth and Character

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‘Very sharp and full of... questions’
letter from Germany

‘Very sharp and full of... questions’

John Woods
John Woods

There are 1.5 million Ukrainians living in Germany. This is approximately 25% of those who have officially left Ukraine since the beginning of the recent conflict there.

The German government have been generous in their welcome and support for Ukrainians seeking to find a safe place to settle down. The generous financial safety net is helpful, but some have found themselves stuck on benefits, with their working lives on hold. For many Ukrainians their main western European language is English, which makes learning German yet another hoop to jump through to establish themselves.

Reading with care

Reading with care

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review THE LOST WORLD OF THE PROPHETS: Old Testament Prophecy & Apocalyptic Literature in Ancient Context

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Fragrance of Christ

Fragrance of Christ

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review PREACHING: A God-centred Vision

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Smartphone threats

Smartphone threats

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review THE ANXIOUS GENERATION: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness

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Storyteller looks at the first stories

Storyteller looks at the first stories

John Woods
John Woods


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LGBT – Latvia Gets Biblical Teaching
letter from Latvia

LGBT – Latvia Gets Biblical Teaching

John Woods
John Woods

All the major church denominations in Latvia would have a conservative approach to sexuality. The soon-to-be-retiring Archbishop of the Lutheran Church in Latvia has made something of a point of holding firm on these issues, John Woods writes.

In my own teaching on human identity and sexuality I have made use of some of the ideas outlined in Andrew Bunt’s excellent short book: Finding Your Best Identity: a Christian introduction to identity, sexuality and gender.

Pictures telling stories

Pictures telling stories

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review SIMPLY PREACHING: A Visual Guide

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Living under the rule of King Jesus

Living under the rule of King Jesus

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review JESUS AND THE POWERS: Christian political witness in an age of totalitarian terror and dysfunctional democracies

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Focused lifestyle

Focused lifestyle

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review FOLLOWING JESUS IN AN AGE OF QUITTERS: The Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards for Today

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John Woods
John Woods

Book Review VALUABLE: Why your worth is not defined by how useful you feel

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Meaty theology

Meaty theology

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review CREATOR: A Theological Interpretation of Genesis 1

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Reframing our vision of life God and the universe

Reframing our vision of life God and the universe

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review HOW TO SEE LIFE: A Guide in 321

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Evangelicalism: blindfolded, spun and disorientated?

Evangelicalism: blindfolded, spun and disorientated?

John Woods
John Woods

John Woods in conversation with Karen Swallow Prior

Karen is a reader, writer, and professor. She is a popular speaker and author. She has written several books and is co-editor of Cultural Engagement: A Crash Course in Contemporary Issues (Zondervan 2019). Her writing has appeared on the Gospel Coalition website, The New York Times, The Washington Post, the First Things website and many other places.

Two Christmas Crackers

Two Christmas Crackers

John Woods
John Woods


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Nice one, Cyril!

Nice one, Cyril!

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review COMMENTARIES ON ROMANS, 1-2 CORINTHIANS, AND HEBREWS By Cyril of Alexandria Translated by David R. Maxwell

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Songs in the key of life

Songs in the key of life

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review WALK HIS WAY: Following Christ through the book of Psalms

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Invitation to freedom

Invitation to freedom

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review RUMOURS OF A BETTER COUNTRY: Searching for Trust and Community in a Time of Moral Outrage

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What does it mean to be a Latvian?
letter from Latvia

What does it mean to be a Latvian?

John Woods
John Woods

December saw my sixth visit to Latvia in 2023. I have now been coming here for 30 years.

I was accompanied on the first part of the trip by a friend from church who took part in one of the sessions on identity, on the Christianity, Work and Society course at the Latvian Biblical Centre in Riga.

Navigating Christian freedom

Navigating Christian freedom

John Woods
John Woods

Review TRAVELING LIGHT: Galatians and the Free Life in Christ (Expanded Version)

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A map for life

A map for life

John Woods
John Woods


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Permission to pray honestly

Permission to pray honestly

John Woods
John Woods

Review LEARNING TO LAMENT: Our Heavenly Father’s Embrace When We Grieve

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Taking note of the exit feedback

Taking note of the exit feedback

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review FAITHS LOST AND FOUND: Understanding Apostacy

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How does it feel?

How does it feel?

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review ONE: Being United to Jesus Changes Everything

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Preaching to the margins

Preaching to the margins

John Woods
John Woods


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Church growth? ‘That’s putting the cart before the horse’

Church growth? ‘That’s putting the cart before the horse’

John Woods
John Woods

en Reviews Editor John Woods talks to David Brown, an experienced church ‘revitaliser’ in France.

en: Thank you for speaking to us and thank you for writing Re-Connect Your Church: a practical handbook for church revitalisationOne of the words you use a lot in your book is ‘healthy’. What do you mean by healthy, and why is that such an important term for you as you think of the church?

Life together

Life together

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review NO GREATER LOVE: A Biblical Vision for Friendship

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‘I thought, wow, that is three  seismic events in one year...’

‘I thought, wow, that is three seismic events in one year...’

John Woods
John Woods

Andrew Wilson is based in Eastbourne and serves as the Teaching Pastor at King’s Church London.

Andrew will be familiar to many from his books, including The God of All Things and 1 Corinthians for Today, the Think Theology website, and his regular columns in US magazine, Christianity Today. Our Reviews Editor John Woods was pleased to have the opportunity to chat with Andrew about his latest book Remaking the World: How 1776 Created the Post-Christian West, which is now hot off the press from Crossway.

Faithfully reading Scripture through multiple lenses

Faithfully reading Scripture through multiple lenses

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review 1 TIMOTHY ASIAN BIBLE COMMENTARY: A Pastoral and Contextual Commentary

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Time for God alone

Time for God alone

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review FAITHFULLY PRESENT: Embracing the Limits of Where and When God Has You

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Gospel grows as Latvia opens to the world
letter from Latvia

Gospel grows as Latvia opens to the world

John Woods
John Woods

My Spring trip to Latvia coincided with the Ice Hockey World Championships. Ice Hockey is a big deal in Latvia, so we readjusted our lunch break in our School of Preachers seminar to fit in watching the first quarter of Latvia’s semi-final against Canada.

We saw Latvia score once, but after that they suffered a heavy defeat. The next day sadness turned to joy when tiny Latvia beat the mighty USA in the bronze medal play-offs. The Latvian Parliament met in special session on that Sunday evening and agreed, a few minutes before midnight, to declare the following day a bank holiday! The next morning tens of thousands of people gathered around the Freedom Monument in the centre of Riga to greet the national team. The last time I witnessed crowds like that in Riga was when President Bill Clinton visited in June 1994. When he said ‘Brivibas’ (Freedom) there was a huge cheer, and another when he said: ‘Never again will hostile foreign troops occupy Baltic soil’!

Old Testament sat nav

Old Testament sat nav

John Woods
John Woods


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Re-evaluating a giant

Re-evaluating a giant

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review AN INFINITE FOUNTAIN OF LIGHT: Jonathan Edwards for the Twenty-first Century

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Two Johns: ministry and life

Two Johns: ministry and life

John Woods
John Woods


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Who am I?

Who am I?

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review PRIDE: Identity and the Worship of Self

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From poles apart to magnetic points

From poles apart to magnetic points

John Woods
John Woods

en reviews editor John Woods interviews Dr Dan Strange, Director of the Crosslands Forum.

Before joining Crosslands full time, Dan was College Director for Oak Hill Theological College. A former UCCF worker with a PhD in Theology and Religious Studies, Dan lives in Gateshead with his wife Elly and most of their seven children, where they are part of Hope Community Church. He is a trustee of Tyndale House and author of several books including Making Faith Magnetic.

Handling hard sayings

Handling hard sayings

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review GOD, I’M ANGRY: Anger, Forgiveness, and the Psalms of Vengeance

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Tackling the yawn factor!

Tackling the yawn factor!

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review WHY ARE WE OFTEN SO BORING? Reflections on preaching

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Rule Britannia?

Rule Britannia?

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review COLONIALISM: A moral reckoning

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Worldwide wisdom

Worldwide wisdom

John Woods
John Woods


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Landmark commentary is released

Landmark commentary is released

John Woods
John Woods

A new Central and Eastern European Bible Commentary (CEEBC) has been launched by Langham Publishing.

It has been a mammoth undertaking, writes John Woods, delayed by the pandemic, and the death of the General Editor, Corneliu Constantineanu from Covid during that time. The commentary is in English, because this is as close to a common language for all of the countries represented by this volume.

Ukrainian amputees with gospel hope
letter from Latvia

Ukrainian amputees with gospel hope

John Woods
John Woods

One of the questions I am asked whenever I return from Latvia is: ‘What is the mood in Latvia at the moment?’

The question relates to the fact that Latvia shares a land border with Russia and has many historical reasons to be anxious about the intentions of its larger neighbour.

Equipped for mission

Equipped for mission

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review COME AND SEE: A History and Theology of Mission

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Fragile minds, faithful God

Fragile minds, faithful God

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review ON GETTING OUT OF BED: The burden & gift of living

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Heading for the finish line

Heading for the finish line

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review THE FINAL LAP: Navigating the transitions of later life

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Spiritual intimacy

Spiritual intimacy

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review LIFE IN THE SON: Exploring Participation and Union with Christ in John’s Gospel and Letters

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Think theology

Think theology

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review BIBLICAL REASONING: Christological and Trinitarian Rules of Exegesis

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‘How do I find out who I am?’

‘How do I find out who I am?’

John Woods
John Woods

en’s reviews editor John Woods speaks to Andrew Bunt, part of King’s Church Hastings and Bexhill.

Andrew is Emerging Generations Director at Living Out and a training and resources consultant for New Ground Churches. He studied theology at Durham University and King’s College London.

Picturing the gospel

Picturing the gospel

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review IMAGES OF GRACE: A Journey from Darkness to Light at Easter

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Getting your hands dirty

Getting your hands dirty

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review A MUCKY BUSINESS: Why Christians Should Get Involved in Politics

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Festive feast for multi-cultural fellowship
letter from Latvia

Festive feast for multi-cultural fellowship

John Woods
John Woods

Life at Communitas International Church in Riga is never predictable. This is the church I attend in Riga. It meets at the Latvian Biblical Centre in downtown Riga. With over twenty nationalities from all five continents in the congregation, each week has its surprises.

The last Sunday in November concludes with an American style Thanksgiving lunch, but the turkeys are cooked in American, Latvian, Croatian and Indian Style. There is corn bread and Naan Bread, Roast potatoes and Basmati rice, pumpkin pie, and Latvian pastries. It was a meal that tantalized and challenged the taste buds!

Open	table,	open	heart

Open table, open heart

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review A PLACE AT THE TABLE: Faith, hope and hospitality

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More	than	meets	the	eye

More than meets the eye

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review SPURGEON THE PASTOR: Recovering a Biblical and Theological Vision for Ministry

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Build	smart

Build smart

John Woods
John Woods


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Marketing	Jesus

Marketing Jesus

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review REPACKAGING CHRISTIANITY: Alpha and the building of a global brand

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Biblical centre celebrates 30 years
letter from Latvia

Biblical centre celebrates 30 years

John Woods
John Woods

It was a great joy to be present at the recent Latvian Biblical Centre’s Graduation Service.

It was a massive achievement for the 50+ students, who managed to complete their studies during the strange period that coincided with tight Covid restrictions over the past two years. Many of these students were graduating from the counselling course. This course, which has recently been added, has proved to be particularly popular. Eleven students graduated from the latest two-year School of Preachers programme.

The truth that sets you free

The truth that sets you free

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review THE LIES WE ARE TOLD, THE TRUTH WE MUST HOLD Worldviews and their consequences

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Bite-sized wisdom

Bite-sized wisdom

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review HOLINESS: Food for the Journey

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Transforming	love

Transforming love

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review SO LOVED: 26 words that can change your life

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Exegesis, exposition plus  explanation = encouraged!

Exegesis, exposition plus explanation = encouraged!

John Woods
John Woods

Wimbledon, strawberries and the EMA… it must be summer!

The 39th Evangelical Ministry Assembly has taken place in the Emmanuel Centre at the heart of London. This was a return to a face-to-face conference after two years of Covid-restricted online conferences. More than 400 people gathered over the three days, with attendees from over 20 countries.

Once	more	with	feeling

Once more with feeling

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review PREACHING AND THE HEART OF GOD: The place of pathos in preaching

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Treasuring	Jesus

Treasuring Jesus

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review WHAT IS SAVING FAITH? Reflections on receiving Christ as a treasure

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Is your God big enough

Is your God big enough

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review 12 THINGS GOD CAN’T DO …and how they can help you sleep at night

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A throne touching the throne

A throne touching the throne

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review QUEEN ELIZABETH II The Queen Who Chose to Serve

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Detecting	blind	spots

Detecting blind spots

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review INVISIBLE DIVIDES: Class, culture and barriers to the church

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Life within limits

Life within limits

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review YOU’RE ONLY HUMAN: How your limits reflect God’s design and why that’s good news.

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Getting into Paul’s head

Getting into Paul’s head

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review ROMANS: Tyndale New Testament Commentary

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Maintaining	the	common	touch

Maintaining the common touch

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review FROM THE HEART: An honest look at life and faith

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On purpose: faithfully engaging with life

On purpose: faithfully engaging with life

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review WHAT ARE CHRISTIANS FOR?: Life Together at the End of the World

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giving long-term help
letter from Latvia

giving long-term help

John Woods
John Woods

Latvia continues to live in the shadow of the war in Ukraine.

Anxiety rises with the daily arrival of refugees passing through or settling in Latvia. A variety of Christian organisations here are using their properties to house, feed and assist those who have been displaced by the conflict. Convoys of aid are being sent to provide relief both to refugees in countries bordering Ukraine and for those who still remain at home.

Father to the fatherless

Father to the fatherless

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review FINDING MY FATHER: How the Gospel Heals the Pain of Fatherlessness

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Social action a historical perspective

Social action a historical perspective

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review EVANGELICALS AND SOCIAL ACTION: From John Wesley to John Stott

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Understanding poverty in the UK

Understanding poverty in the UK

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review THE LEAST, THE LAST & THE LOST: Understanding poverty in the UK and the responsibility of the local church

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‘God is in my heart’ says refugee

‘God is in my heart’ says refugee

John Woods
John Woods

The first face I saw when I stepped into the Latvian Biblical Centre in March was Helena from Northwest Ukraine. She was surrounded by aid boxes waiting to be sent to help refugees at the Polish border. The thing that I noticed about Helena was her smile. How has she managed over the past few weeks?

‘It was a shock when I found out that the Russian Army had invaded us. This was a regular day when I was preparing my daughters for school. We heard a loud noise and thought that neighbours were doing some work on their building. It was then that we had a message from the school to say it would be safer for the girls to stay at home. Three days later we began to leave. This involved a 12-hour wait to get through the border; some of this journey was on foot. We were overwhelmed by the kindness of people at the border. Free buses, food, and people willing to offer accommodation, before being taken to family in Latvia.

Finding the pulse; feeling the pull

Finding the pulse; feeling the pull

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review MAKING FAITH MAGNETIC: Five Hidden Themes Our Culture Can’t Stop Talking About...And How to Connect Them to Christ

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Going bananas in the Baltics
letter from Latvia

Going bananas in the Baltics

John Woods
John Woods

My first visit to Latvia in the Spring of 1993 coincided with the arrival of an abundance of bananas in Riga.

Up to then they had been the preserve of an elite few; now everybody could buy them, and they did! It is the first time that I have thanked my host with a bunch of bananas as well as the usual flowers.

Riga resumes in-person Bible training

Riga resumes in-person Bible training

John Woods
John Woods

It is great to be in Latvia in late summer when the daylight still holds until late evening and the temperature can still be hot. It was a particular delight for me to be there with Anthony Billington, associated with the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity, to teach a weekend course on Whole Life Preaching as part of the two-year School of Preachers programme at the Latvian Biblical Centre (LBC) in Riga.

It had been nine months since the group were able to meet in person. We have managed to maintain the teaching via Zoom involving three languages. It was lovely to have the buzz of personal interaction in those September sessions.

Enjoying God more, enjoying sex more

Enjoying God more, enjoying sex more

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review JESUS, LOVER OF MY SOUL: Fresh Pathways to Spiritual Passion

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‘Amazing’ work in Latvia

‘Amazing’ work in Latvia

John Woods
John Woods

Spring and summer are important seasons in Latvia. After the cold months of winter, longer warmer days are very welcome.

One very important feature of a Latvian summer is enjoying sunshine and fresh air in the countryside. Dotted around Latvia there are a number of Christian campsites that have been a key factor in reaching children and young people with the gospel message. Each year hundreds of camps are organised by churches and Christian organisations. Due to Covid restrictions in 2020 many of these camps were not able to take place. In 2021 they are back, albeit on a smaller scale.

Preparing for the ear

Preparing for the ear

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review PREACHING Communicating the Faith in an Age of Scepticism

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Jesus in B&Q;?

Jesus in B&Q;?

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review REBELS RESCUED A student’s guide to reformed theology

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Expect great things

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review IN SEARCH OF A CONFIDENT FAITH Overcoming barriers to trusting God

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Quirky workout

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review SPIRITUALITY OLD AND NEW Recovering Authentic Spiritual Life

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The purity of God

John Woods
John Woods

What comes into your mind when you think of holiness? For most of us, the image will be a negative one! Why is that?

We live at a time when the ultimate put down is being ‘Holier than thou’. It conjures up the image of sanctimonious phoniness or a cold sterile spirituality. An image that we have done all too little to challenge or dispel.

A bridge too short

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review MTL (More To Life)

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I believe in the Bible

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review By David Jackman

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