In Depth:  John Ross

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West Sussex: have village churches had their day?

West Sussex: have village churches had their day?

John Ross

The picture in the UK appears to show village churches closing rapidly.

Frequently they have no families and children’s work, leaving a group of older people with usually more women than men. What does the future hold for such shrinking churches? Not very much, it would seem.

Mouth watering

Mouth watering

John Ross

Book Review HIS STORY The Story of Why We Are Here

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What evidence?

What evidence?

John Ross

Book Review FOLLOW Walking in the Dust of the Rabbi

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Witness of one-ness

John Ross


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Top tips for leaders

John Ross

Book Review AXIOM Powerful Leadership Proverbs

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Worth remembering

John Ross


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John Ross

Book Review By Dan Cohn-Sherbok

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2,000 years of Jewish evangelism

John Ross

After the Ascension of Jesus, the witness of the apostles to the Jewish community was marked with outstanding success.

In only one day, the Jewish feast of Shavuot (Pentecost), 3,000 were baptised, and each day following 'the Lord added to their number' until over 5,000 men believed, not counting women and children. No section of the Jewish community lay outside the reach of the good news, even '. . . many of the priests were obedient to the faith' and with the transformation of the Sanhedrin's leading hit-man, Saul of Tarsus, first-century Judaism was shaken to its core.

Wisdom to Live By - Living Biblically in a Complex World

John Ross

Book Review WISDOM TO LIVE BY: Living Biblically in a Complex World

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Living below with the Saints we know

John Ross

Book Review By Brian Hathaway. Eagle. 208 pages

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Deserted By God?

John Ross

Book Review By Sinclair Ferguson

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