In Depth:  John Risbridger

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FIEC: moving forwards together

FIEC: moving forwards together

John Risbridger

The first week of November saw over 460 delegates meeting on the Norfolk coast for what is fast-becoming a key gathering for gospel-focused leaders in the free churches. It was this year’s FIEC Leaders’ Conference. Julian Hardyman (Eden Baptist, Cambridge) described it as ‘unmissable’ and ‘one of the highlights of my year’!

By any standards it was an outstanding time with spiritually nourishing, expository preaching, excellent seminars, encouraging reports of developments within the FIEC family of churches, well-led corporate worship and many informal opportunities to encourage one another in ministry. In the final session, John Stevens (FIEC national director) said simply: ‘I think we met the Lord Jesus together’. It would be hard to find a better or truer description of the week.

Crowding in to the house?

Crowding in to the house?

John Risbridger

‘Life on life, together on mission’ lies at the heart of the NT vision for discipleship and it should therefore be at the heart of our vision for the local church. This has been the central conviction of the ‘Crowded House’ since it began in 1996, under the leadership of Steve Timmis.

But how could this conviction begin to shape the approach of churches with a similar theology and similar convictions about mission, but which have existing patterns of church life which may or may not facilitate this missional emphasis? That was the key question explored in a highly stimulating consultation in October facilitated by the Crowded House team, which brought together people from 11 churches (mostly, but not exclusively, from the FIEC but all conservative evangelical).

Keswick to reach non Christians

Keswick to reach non Christians

John Risbridger

As the Convention encourages Christians to bring their unbelieving friends, we speak to John Risbridger, Keswick’s Chairman

EN: You took over as Chairman of the Keswick Convention in May 2012. Now you are established in the role, what is your vision for Keswick over the next 5-10 years?
The team of trustees are all still committed to the same things Keswick has valued for decades. Our vision remains the spiritual renewal of God’s people for his mission in the world. So we want to provide high-quality Bible teaching that draws evangelical Christians from across a wide background of different churches to worship and grow together and to encourage a strong commitment to mission in all its forms, both in the UK and across the world.