In Depth:  John Martin

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Hundreds attend new Cotswold Bible Festival

Hundreds attend new Cotswold Bible Festival

John Martin

Saturday 23 November marked the inaugural Cotswold Bible Festival. Around 700 adults and children converged on the festival town of Cheltenham for a day of thought-provoking Bible teaching, excel-lent music and a whole host of seminars and fun activities.

The event was conceived by a group of like-minded local evangelical Christian leaders who were keen to run a Keswick-style event for churches across the Cotswolds. The vision for the event came together a year ago, with encouraging conversations with Jonathan Lamb and James Robson at Keswick Ministries leading to the formation of ‘Keswick Gloucestershire’ in association with the Keswick Fellowship – a network of similar events across the country. The event itself was given separate branding to help draw in those who were less familiar with ‘Keswick’, and to allow for other events to be run under the ‘Keswick Gloucestershire’ banner in the future.



John Martin
Date posted: 1 Nov 2019

Dear Sir,

What a most encouraging editorial in the September issue of en!

September 11: an Open Letter to our Muslim friends

John Martin

Dear Muslim Friend,

I want to greet you at this time when our minds are naturally full of what happened a year ago.

It has been good for me to reflect on those events and to ask God what attitudes He wants to change in me. Certainly I want to submit more readily to His will and I've discovered a verse in our Scripture which contains a clear command.