In Depth:  John G Stackhouse

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In the world, but...

John G Stackhouse

The theological world owes a great debt to Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Texas, which invited Yale professor H. Richard Niebuhr to deliver the lectures that resulted in 'Christ and Culture' (1951), one of the most influential Christian books of the past century.

Perhaps no other book has dominated an entire theological conversation for so long. Niebuhr's famous 'five types' continue to serve as the launching point for most discussions of the interaction of Christianity and culture.

Mind over scepticism

John G Stackhouse

Alvin Plantinga is arguably the greatest philosopher of the last century. The Dutch-American Calvinist, raised in the midwest, is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame, USA.

Plantinga deserves this accolade for three reasons. First, he has taken up the two most important questions of our day: the problem of evil and the problem of knowledge.