In Depth:  John Delius

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Genesis 1-11

John Delius
Date posted: 1 Sep 2017

Dear Sir,

Back in the April issue of en, Martin Haywood wrote concerning Genesis 1-11. He says that he does not know of any scholar who thinks the Genesis text is of greater antiquity than c.1600 BC. He has clearly not read Clues to Creation In Genesis, by Squadron Leader P. J. Wiseman (edited by his son, Professor D. J. Wiseman, and republished by Marshall Morgan and Scott in 1977).


Homosexuality – the pastoral issue

John Delius
Date posted: 1 May 2017

Dear Editor,

Imagine the following. You are a church leader. One day an active homosexual turns up; he says he is a Christian. He asks your opinion about it and wants to join the church. What do you say?


Church planting

John Delius
Date posted: 1 Jan 2017

Dear Editor,

Paul Hinton (en December) shares his disquiet over church plants that produce churches full of students and young professionals, but neglect the huge estates which have no witness at all. This is sad, as church logos often indicate a wish to reach out to all.


Capitalise on carol services

John Delius
Date posted: 1 Feb 2015

Dear Sir,

Do we make the best use of carol services as an opportunity for evangelism? What do the non-churchgoers make of the readings? If you don’t know any Shakespeare, what would you get from half a page of it read out? Not much.

Old church - new church

John Delius

Old church / new church

Most churches are run by and for nth-generation Christians, with the sort of church teaching and social life that they are accustomed to, and often in the style the leaders remember as an ideal from their youth.

Problem: what suits long-standing Christians doesn't do much to help enquirers and new believers to change from their positively non-Christian way of life. What should we do to help them?