In Depth:  Jo Jackson

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Attack, avoid or…?
Pastoral Care

Attack, avoid or…?

Jo Jackson

Conflict is everywhere: The teenage child who tells you they hate you; the friend who quickly becomes angry when you disagree; the church member who criticises your leadership; the relational breakdown between people in your church.

Conflict is a constant reality, yet we typically do not handle it well.

Lamenting abuse
Pastoral Care

Lamenting abuse

Jo Jackson

In the recent past, disturbing reports of abuse perpetrated by leaders of churches and Christian organisations have come to light.

These abuses have taken place primarily against individuals who have been profoundly wounded in ways that are hard to comprehend. These reports also reveal deeply destructive church cultures that require careful and honest reflection and action.

Finding joy in lament
Pastoral Care

Finding joy in lament

Jo Jackson

If ever there were a time for lament, perhaps now is the time.

As this goes to print, we are either still in lockdown, just out of lockdown, or are perhaps about to go into another lockdown, all the while trying to come to terms with the past year of personal and global uncertainty.

Who am I?
Pastoral Care

Who am I?

Jo Jackson

There are many potential answers to this question.

For myself – a follower of Jesus, a wife of a pastor, a mother to four children, a psychologist, a biblical counsellor, a dancer, a Londoner. All of these things are true of me, but what is my core identity? What really makes me who I am?