In Depth:  Jo Gardner

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Introverts and extroverts

Jo Gardner
Date posted: 1 Aug 2020

Dear en,

I read with interest the article by Rachel Jones, ‘Is this how introverts feel when life is normal?’, in the June issue of en. I was particularly drawn to her paragraph about her introverted friend who finds Sunday morning services draining as she seeks to pour into others Sunday by Sunday in the power of the Spirit ‘because she knows that’s what love looks like’.


Mindfulness challenged

Jo Gardner
Date posted: 1 Jan 2019

Dear Sir,

Anne Alexander`s letter re Mindfulness (en December) concerns me. The original meaning of mindfulness has patterns to do with observation: focusing on the body and thoughts or outwards. It may involve being nonjudgmental.

Mindfulness: is it useful?

Mindfulness: is it useful?

Jo Gardner

Jo Gardner shares her thinking

‘Improve your health – learn about mindfulness’ says a card put through my door.


Post-programme church

Jo Gardner
Date posted: 1 Oct 2017

Dear Sir,

I agree very much with Bobby Jamieson’s article (en, September) that one needs to carefully evaluate any church programmes to see if they remain useful or if they should be abandoned. And certainly it would be wonderful if pastors, simply by their preaching, teaching and example, would cause evangelism and discipleship to become ‘normal parts of every single church member’s life’.