In Depth:  Jim Sayers

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Event asks: is Roman Catholicism a legitimate form of the gospel?

Event asks: is Roman Catholicism a legitimate form of the gospel?

Jim Sayers

'Is Roman Catholicism a legitimate form of the gospel with strange elements added, or is it something which makes contact with the gospel but is not authentic? Are we in Philippians 1 or Galatians 1 territory?'

This was the question Leonardo De Chirico explored in a Saturday morning event recently organised by the Grace Baptist Association. Over fifty leaders and trainees heard Leonardo’s fascinating analysis. Leonardo writes regularly for Evangelicals Now, and pastors Chiesa Breccia di Roma in the heart of Rome.

Fresh Fenland fellowship

Fresh Fenland fellowship

Jim Sayers

The Cambridgeshire Fens rarely make the headlines, despite being close to Cambridge. The Fenland towns are home to a cluster of Grace Baptist churches with a long history and close bonds of fellowship. For many years they have been grouped in their own local association, but this year they made a big decision.

The Association of Grace Baptist Churches (West Anglia), a group of 12 churches, agreed to disband, to transfer management of their trust company to Grace Baptist Charities Ltd, and each church would then consider joining the larger AGBC (South East). This came after a long dialogue with Andrew King, South East Association Secretary, and the Cambridgeshire churches praying together.

Bunyan’s words  ‘still true today’

Bunyan’s words ‘still true today’

Jim Sayers

‘We preach what we smartingly feel.’ So said John Bunyan, over three centuries ago, but it is still true today. Preachers need to be convicted by the power of the word of God in order to preach it, and to see their calling as coming both from Christ and His church. Preachers are sent (Rom.10:15), not self-appointed.

These were the key ideas explored by Paul Smith, pastor of Grace Baptist Church, Broadstairs, speaking at an ‘Overnighter’ gathering at High Leigh for Grace Baptist church leaders. Paul’s helpful overview of preaching led into a lively discussion about whether we have diminished our view of preaching by labelling it as merely a ‘Bible talk’ or ‘word ministry’. The theme of the gathering was ‘Preaching that Connects’, and over 80 leaders came for the two days.

Pressing on ‘in most godless city’

Pressing on ‘in most godless city’

Jim Sayers

‘Brighton most godless city in England, Census 2021 reveals.’ That headline in the Brighton Argus in December 2022 grabbed people’s attention. 55.2% of the city’s population ticked the ‘no religion’ box, the highest in England. Yet several churches in Brighton continue to thrive, and new churches are being planted.

In 2021 we reported on the beginnings of ‘Grace Plant Brighton.’ David and Naomi Skull moved from Guildford to gather a new church plant. They merged with New Life Church Moulsecoomb (FIEC) to form Grace Church Brighton, Julian Rebera and David becoming elders. They formed a membership in January 2022, and to date that has grown to 23.

'Unashamed enthusiasm for Scripture'

'Unashamed enthusiasm for Scripture'

Jim Sayers

How do you handle the Old Testament? In particular, how are we to use Old Testament people, events and institutions as types of the work of Christ and His church?

Is typology a dangerous game, where we over-spiritualise any detail we want to fasten on and try and draw a line to Christ? How should we control that? These were the issues addressed at a recent half-day organised by the Association of Grace Baptist Churches (AGBC) at London Seminary.

Zambia to Abingdon

Zambia to Abingdon

Jim Sayers

Abbey Baptist Church in Abingdon has a new pastor – from Zambia! Chris and Helen Hawthorne enjoyed many years of ministry in St John’s Wood in London, and have spent three and a half years serving with Grace Baptist Mission at Proclamation Institute Zambia (PIZ). Chris was inducted as pastor in Abingdon on 18 February, with Richard Underwood from FIEC preaching.

Chris said Zambia has been a great gospel opportunity. People want to speak about Christ, supermarkets play Matt Redman songs, and Christians are welcomed at many doors. ‘One day at PIZ, we were doing some text work and the passage clearly convicted everybody in the classroom. The whole class went quiet. The following day we were talking about preaching, and the way God worked the previous day made it clear that the power is not in the presentation (like the big show often seen in Zambia), but in being clear with the gospel. Our time in Zambia further convinced me that the heart of church ministry is teaching the Bible really clearly and prayerfully, and making sure people understand what it means for their lives. There are some great Zambian churches doing just that, and seeing significant fruit.’

Small church? Big building? A great God – no problem

Small church? Big building? A great God – no problem

Jim Sayers

What do you do if you are a small church in a large building that is falling apart?

This challenge faced West Ham Baptist Tabernacle (part of the Association of Grace Baptist Churches SE) in Newham, East London. Their building was about a century old and was badly damaged during the Blitz. They had recovered in the 1950s and 60s, then reached a low ebb in the 90s. Reuben Danladi came as pastor in 1999, stepping out in faith to revitalise the church, and while the church grew again, the building rotted and was often vandalised.

Sacramental	baptists?

Sacramental baptists?

Jim Sayers

Book Review AMIDST US OUR BELOVÈD STANDS: Recovering sacrament in the Baptist tradition.

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Understanding	our	neighbour

Understanding our neighbour

Jim Sayers


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Lewisham looks forward

Lewisham looks forward

Jim Sayers

Lewisham is a densely populated, multicultural melting pot in SE London.

The middle of town has been heavily redeveloped with high-rise apartments, looking down onto the rolling streets of suburbia. In one of those older streets is College Park Baptist Church, a church with a long history that is entering a new chapter.

‘Intensive’ grace

‘Intensive’ grace

Jim Sayers

Grace Baptist leaders have held an ‘intensive’ 24-hour fellowship getaway as in-person conferences continued to resume after the lockdowns of the last two years.

Jim Sayers writes: ‘Recently 72 leaders from 54 churches gathered for an ‘overnighter’ at High Leigh for an intensive 24 hours of fellowship. Representing nearly all the member churches of the AGBC(SE), they enjoyed ministry from Wale Akinrogunde (see photo below), John Benton and David Skull. Several others had contributed papers beforehand for discussion in small groups, on themes as diverse as Flourishing as multi-tasking pastors, How our polity can help us, and how we handle the current issues around sexuality and gender. These produced some lively discussions that continued over the dinner table.’

Grief and growth in Basildon

Jim Sayers

With news of how God brings blessing and new life out of the darkest of situations in His church, Jim Sayers of the Association of Grace Baptist Churches writes:

What happens when your church building gets destroyed in an air raid? That happened to the church in Chatham Road, Wandsworth Common on 15 October 1940. After World War 2, large numbers of Londoners moved out to the new towns. A number of Grace Baptist churches were planted in these new towns in the 50s and 60s, a time of real social change. So Fryerns Baptist Church was planted in Basildon, Essex in 1954 to replace the church in Wandsworth.

Grace Baptists think out of the box and into the car park

Grace Baptists think out of the box and into the car park

Jim Sayers

What did you do for your Christmas carol service, with the public seeing church buildings as a Covid danger zone? The pandemic has made us think outside our buildings, and many churches have responded creatively.

For their carol service in 2020, Highbury Baptist Church in North London went outside into Highbury Fields, Islington’s largest green space. With a makeshift PA, two violins and a guitar, a small group of people and a table of giveaway books, it wasn’t a big gathering. Phil Heaps, co-pastor at Highbury Baptist, said: ‘There were many people out and about, and a good number stopped to listen.’ They repeated this in 2021. ‘Certainly, there remains a general goodwill towards carol singing in our increasingly hostile society, and we intend to do it again next year.’

150 years of Grace

150 years of Grace

Jim Sayers

Jim Sayers writes: How important to my spiritual life is my local church? Is it just one more thing to help me, alongside Bible study notes, journaling, conferences, books and the blogger-sphere? On the contrary, Biblical church life is at the heart of a healthy Christian life.

That was the essence of Mark Dever’s message, speaking at a landmark day for Grace Baptist Churches in London recently. The AGBC(SE) celebrated its 150th anniversary at Homerton Baptist Church with Dever (who pastors Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC) as guest speaker. In his keynote session, Dever looked at why ecclesiology matters, tracing out many fads that have eroded the centrality of the local church. Touching on a wide range of current trends, he noted that while nominalism in churches rises the age of baptism decreases, ‘so that we baptise pagans and call them saints’. How children relate to a church is important to its long-term health.

Dever for Grace Baptist 150th

Jim Sayers

Changes to the Government’s quarantine policy that came into effect in early August mean that Mark Dever from Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC is able to fly into London to speak at a special gathering of Grace Baptist churches at the end of September.

The Association of Grace Baptist Churches (SE) is celebrating its 150th anniversary with a day conference on Saturday 25 September at Homerton Baptist Church in East London, near the Olympic Park.

Evangelism and social action:   an effective new contribution

Evangelism and social action: an effective new contribution

Jim Sayers

Book Review MISSION IN ACTION A Biblical Description of Missional Ethics

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Not Brexiting our mission

Not Brexiting our mission

Jim Sayers


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The gospel in African soil

The gospel in African soil

Jim Sayers

Why is Africa so prone to falling foul of pernicious prosperity teaching?

Ian Flanders produces radio Bible-teaching programmes for Francophone Africa with Grace Baptist Mission Radio.

Missions man

Missions man

Jim Sayers


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Roger Cook 1941 –2016

Roger Cook 1941 –2016

Jim Sayers

Roger’s great contribution in his many years of service was developing radio ministry in both France and Francophone Africa.

Known widely among Grace Baptist churches for his work in GBM Radio at Abingdon, he and his wife Helen began their missionary service in Belgium. In 1967 they were the first GBM missionaries to be sent into Europe by their church in Hounslow, as GBM adopted a church-based approach to mission. In 1969 they moved to Mons, where they worked to plant a church, coming face to face with the growing ‘practical atheism’ of an otherwise Catholic culture.

What is a nation?

What is a nation?

Jim Sayers

As the debate over the united nations of Europe floods our media, Jim Sayers asks a pertinent question.

2016 is the year for the  people of Britain to think hard about nationhood.

The earth is the Lord’s

The earth is the Lord’s

Jim Sayers

Book Review MISSION MATTERS Love Says Go.

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After Marx

After Marx

Jim Sayers


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Exploring the species

Jim Sayers

Book Review LIFE’S STORY 2 (DVD and booklet)

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Not knocked for six

Jim Sayers

Book Review IS THAT YOU LORD? Hearing the voice of the Lord.

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Multi-cultural Britain

Jim Sayers


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Modern visionary

Jim Sayers

Book Review AN IRREGULAR CANDIDATE: Jackie Ross of Blythswood

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Darwin debunked

Jim Sayers

Book Review REASON IN THE BALANCE: the case against naturalism in science, law and education

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