In Depth:  Jeremy Weightman

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A life of dedicated, humble service changing many lives

A life of dedicated, humble service changing many lives

Jeremy Weightman Jeremy Weightman

Celebrating the life of Margaret Hill (1941–2024).

Veteran missionary and Bible translator Margaret Hill has died aged 82 after almost 60 years in service with Wycliffe Bible Translators.

Bible translation: AI and  other reasons to be joyful
the Bible in action

Bible translation: AI and other reasons to be joyful

Jeremy Weightman Jeremy Weightman

‘At last, it is like the heart of Christ is open to the Godié people.’

So said Bible translator Jean Dada at the recent launch of the Godié New Testament in Côte d’Ivoire. This is a typical reaction when people get the Scriptures in their own language for the first time: suddenly, they gain a depth of understanding not possible when reading in their second, third or fourth language.