In Depth:  Jeremy Middleton

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Scotland: lessons from a later local lockdown

Scotland: lessons from a later local lockdown

Jeremy Middleton

en asked Jeremy Middleton, minister of Gilcomston Church in Aberdeen, what lessons can be learned from returning to a stricter lockdown.

The original lockdown, however unpalatable, was at least predictable. Its terms were clear and its scope was broad: a total lockdown throughout the land. We were all in the same boat.

Spirit and power preaching

Spirit and power preaching

Jeremy Middleton

Around 150 members of the Crieff Fellowship gathered at Crieff Hydro over three days in January to benefit from the ministries of Dr Liam Goligher and Neil Powell.

Liam Goligher gave four powerful and profoundly insightful addresses from the book of Psalms (with, against the backdrop of Psalm 8, a detour in the second address into Proverbs 8) which stretched the minds and warmed the hearts of those privileged to be present, enabling us to ‘fix our eyes on Jesus’.

Crieff: aware of God’s love

Crieff: aware of God’s love

Jeremy Middleton

The January gathering of the Crieff Fellowship saw almost 200 members bene-fiting from the ministry of Alistair Begg and Sinclair Ferguson.

No stranger to these gatherings, Alistair Begg brought his customary clarity of exposition and incisiveness of pastoral application to four thrilling sessions on Ephesians 3, while his after-dinner address on the first night helpfully highlighted distinctive features of Spurgeon’s John-the-Baptist-like ministry. That his own ministry reflected precisely the qualities to which he alluded – authority, coupled with a deep humility; integrity; and boldness of application – is perhaps the best measure of the quality of pastoral ministry by which those present were richly nourished.