In Depth:  Jeremy Brooks

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When heroes fall: Lessons from Samson

When heroes fall: Lessons from Samson

Jeremy Brooks

We all have our heroes. The Hero of heroes is, of course, our Lord Jesus Christ.

His is the Name above all names, and it is He more than any other that we should love, trust and emulate. Yet Paul exhorted the Christians in Corinth, ‘Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ’ (1 Cor. 11:1), and we are right to be thankful for godly examples. But sometimes they disappoint.

How can pastors go the distance?

How can pastors go the distance?

Jeremy Brooks

It was my tenth anniversary in my current pastorate, and I was given a three-month sabbatical.

When contemplating potential sabbatical projects my thoughts went to surviving and thriving in pastoral ministry over the long haul, and then I hatched a plan.



Jeremy Brooks

On 9 September, over 150 people gathered for the induction of Peter Sherwood as evangelist at Welcome Hall Evangelical Church (WHEC), Bromsgrove.

Pastor Brooks explained how the elders had been seeking the Lord’s will over the appointment of a second full-time worker for over a year, and were increasingly convinced that the role should be that of an evangelist. In March, Peter Sherwood was put in touch with Pastor Brooks by a mutual contact, and after an extended period of prayerful consideration, was called by WHEC in July.