In Depth:  Jamie Southcombe

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EMA: lifting up the cross

EMA: lifting up the cross

Jamie Southcombe

Around 1,000 gathered at Westminster Chapel, London from 25 – 27 June for the Evangelical Ministry Assembly. The theme this year was ‘Lifted Up: Preaching the Cross’.

Each day began with the well-known and beloved Don Carson walking through the 18th and 19th chapters of John. Carson sought both to explain the text and give ‘handles’ as to how we might explain and apply these verses to our congregations.

Breaking the Silence in London

Breaking the Silence in London

Jamie Southcombe

What is the church’s main response to abortion? If we’re honest it can often be described in one word: silence.

Addressing this problem, Brephos – a new project of the Centre for Bio Ethical Reform UK – hosted a landmark conference on the 16 October called ‘Breaking the Silence’. It sought to equip pastors to speak out about this multi-faceted and painful issue. Over 100 church leaders gathered at London’s Emmanuel Centre to listen to expert speakers from different fields.

The whole in our holiness

The whole in our holiness

Jamie Southcombe

Jamie Southcombe reports on a message which brought the Together for the Gospel Conference to its feet in applause.

The dust has now settled on this year’s ‘Together for the Gospel’.

I’m an Englishman in... Kentucky

I’m an Englishman in... Kentucky

Jamie Southcombe

Jamie Southcombe shares some of the strengths of American Evangelical culture

From the first day we realised that we were very much strangers in a foreign land.

Together for the Gospel – distinct from the world

Together for the Gospel – distinct from the world

Jamie Southcombe

Almost 13,000 pastors and church leaders gathered from 11-13 April for the 7th biennial Together for the Gospel conference in Louisville, Kentucky.

Together for the Gospel started with a friendship between four pastors and has now burgeoned into one of the largest Christian conferences in the world. Attendees came from over 50 different countries including a record 62 from the United Kingdom.

US: Together for the Gospel

US: Together for the Gospel

Jamie Southcombe

Imagine standing in the middle of a vast arena, surrounded by 9,000 people, each singing ‘In Christ Alone’ at the top of their voice. Add in ten hour long sermons (not consecutively!), five panel discussions, 19 breakout sessions, two pre-conferences and the largest bookshop many of us have ever seen and you get some idea of the ‘Together for the Gospel’ conference.

This year’s was the sixth conference, held biennially in the Yum! Centre, Louisville, Kentucky. The theme was ‘We are Protestant’, celebrating the 500th year of the start of the Reformation when Luther nailed his 95 theses to the Wittenberg door.