In Depth:  James Hely Hutchinson

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Looking to glory

Looking to glory

James Hely Hutchinson

Book Review BREATHTAKING GLORY: Surveying the Panorama of God’s Grace, Faithfulness and Victory

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A precious tool for a pressing need

A precious tool for a pressing need

James Hely Hutchinson

Book Review ENCOURAGEMENT: Adrenaline for the soul

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Unsure on Scripture

Unsure on Scripture

James Hely Hutchinson

Book Review PSALMS

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Pussy-footing the Psalms

Pussy-footing the Psalms

James Hely Hutchinson

Book Review THE LORD IS GOOD Seeking the God of the Psalter

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Singing together?

Singing together?

James Hely Hutchinson

Book Review PREACHING CHRIST FROM PSALMS Foundations for Expository Sermons in the Christian Year

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France: Francophone preaching

France: Francophone preaching

James Hely Hutchinson

In God’s kind providence, some Francophone preachers have the bit between the teeth in relation to expository preaching.

The first conference of ‘Prêche la Parole’ (‘PLP’ – ‘Preach the Word’, reflecting the mandate of 2 Timothy 4.2) took place in Paris from 2–4 November. It drew around 35 expositors from France, Switzerland and Belgium. Although there was a strong representation from France’s capital, a significant number of the pastors present had been trained at the Bible Institutes in Geneva and Brussels. Confessionally, PLP is tied to the Francophone Gospel Coalition (Evangile 21), embracing Reformed and complemen-tarian convictions.

Pure delight

Pure delight

James Hely Hutchinson

Book Review THE BOOK OF PSALMS: From Suffering to Glory Volume 2: Psalms 73–150

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New light on the Psalms

New light on the Psalms

James Hely Hutchinson

James Hely-Hutchinson suggests how we are to view the fact of the Psalms being divided into five books

How do you react when you hear of a proposed ‘exciting new discovery’ in the Bible?

Christ at the Bible’s centre

Christ at the Bible’s centre

James Hely Hutchinson

Book Review JONATHAN EDWARDS AND THE PSALMS A Redemptive-Historical Vision of Scripture

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Apocalypse lite

Apocalypse lite

James Hely Hutchinson


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