In Depth:  Iain Taylor / Open Doors

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Christian opens first café in Syrian suburb

Iain Taylor / Open Doors

Cities are full of cafés and restaurants. In Ibrin, a suburb of Damascus in Syria, there wasn’t one – until a local Christian recently returned to open the town’s sole café.

The Syria conflict began in 2011. A year later Joseph Hakimeh, his wife and three children were forced to flee Irbin, just a few of the thousands of Syrian Christians then internally displaced.

India: rape and violence

Iain Taylor / Open Doors

Christians across India are living in constant fear as a systematic campaign of violent harassment, rape and murder is waged against them.

This is the finding of a disturbing new report ‘Destructive Lies’ by the London School of Economics, commissioned by Christian charity Open Doors and presented to Parliament in July.

China monitors Christians  via 415 million cameras

China monitors Christians via 415 million cameras

Iain Taylor / Open Doors

The camera lens homes in and maps the man’s face – measuring the space between his eyes, the distance between the nose and mouth, the angle of his cheekbones, the shape of his chin. Instantly, that data is converted into a string of numbers called a ‘faceprint’. His face is recognised and compared instantly with millions of other images on a database. His identity is confirmed, without him even knowing it.

Open Doors was one of the first to alert the world to the implications of this mass Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology that China has developed. It is now one of the most powerful surveillance tools – and potential Christian persecution tactics – ever devised. 415 million high-tech surveillance cameras, linked to China’s police database and eventually its new ‘social credit system’ which monitors the political loyalty of its citizens, have already been installed on streets and in public venues. A recent BBC News report revealed that the authorities now place QR codes outside the doors of people’s homes, so they can easily know who’s supposed to be there – and who isn’t.

Egypt: Bible verses kept hostage strong

Egypt: Bible verses kept hostage strong

Iain Taylor / Open Doors

An Egyptian Christian man held hostage for 13 days because of his faith has spoken about his ordeal.

Sixty-eight-year-old Bakhit Aziz Georgi and his 35-year-old nephew Youssef Samaan Girgis were kidnapped at gunpoint from Bakhit’s small shop in Egypt last year.