In Depth:  Helen Roseveare

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Count it all joy

Count it all joy

Helen Roseveare

Helen Roseveare tells her story of grappling to find happiness when the will of God is difficult

I had arrived at Ibambi, in the Belgian Congo, one Tuesday in March 1953.

Baraka ya Roho Mutakatifu

Helen Roseveare

It used to be the Belgian Congo, it later became Zaire, and today it’s back as the Democratic Republic of Congo. I want to tell you as best I can of what God most wonderfully did for our church in the NE corner of the country back in the 1950s.

God sent a wonderful visitation of the Holy Spirit to us. In the Congo-Swahili language that we used, we called this visitation Baraka ya Roho Mutakatifu (the blessing of the Holy Spirit).

Couldn’t put it down!

Helen Roseveare

Book Review AUDREY FEATHERSTONE, I PRESUME? Amazing story of a Congo missionary

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