In Depth:  Guest Columnist

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A mental health tsunami?

A mental health tsunami?

Guest Columnist

Dave Burke

Is it really true that the pandemic is causing a tsunami of mental-health problems?

The faith of Prince Philip, the Queen – and you…

The faith of Prince Philip, the Queen – and you…

Guest Columnist

Danny Webster

His great aunt is a saint of the Russian Orthodox church, he was worshipped as a god by a small tribe on the island of Vanuatu in the Pacific Ocean, and for the past 74 years was married to the head of the Church of England.

Christian leadership failures: what’s the cause?

Christian leadership failures: what’s the cause?

Guest Columnist

Ed Shaw

What are some of the root causes of the failure of Christian leadership?

Preparing to die: the greatest thing we have to do

Preparing to die: the greatest thing we have to do

Guest Columnist

‘Please pray that she will go home to be with the Lord soon.’

This unusual prayer request struck me: this was a prayer request for a young mother who would be leaving her grieving husband and three small children behind. Praying for death seemed particularly shocking after spending the last year in a country reeling from the impact of Covid-19.

This is what Justin Welby said to me about survivors of abuse

Guest Columnist

Christian broadcaster, Anne Atkins, writes:

There was a recent article in the Spectator entitled 'Welby’s Gatekeeper'. Most of it a pretty harmless romp through the career of David Porter, Lambeth Chief of Staff.