His great aunt is a saint of the Russian Orthodox church, he was worshipped as a god by a small tribe on the island of Vanuatu in the Pacific Ocean, and for the past 74 years was married to the head of the Church of England.
‘Please pray that she will go home to be with the Lord soon.’
This unusual prayer request struck me: this was a prayer request for a young mother who would be leaving her grieving husband and three small children behind. Praying for death seemed particularly shocking after spending the last year in a country reeling from the impact of Covid-19.
There was a recent article in the Spectator entitled 'Welby’s Gatekeeper'. Most of it a pretty harmless romp through the career of David Porter, Lambeth Chief of Staff.
A mental health tsunami?
Dave Burke
Is it really true that the pandemic is causing a tsunami of mental-health problems?