In Depth:  Greg Tarr

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Word Alive: building up God’s people

Word Alive: building up God’s people

Greg Tarr

The sun was out this year for nearly 4500 people as they arrived in Prestatyn, North Wales for the annual Word Alive gathering from 7-12 April.

The large number of people did put a slight strain on accommodation and programme venues, but these were minor niggles compared to what was happening during the week – God speaking through his word.

Word Alive: dancing to the Reformation

Word Alive: dancing to the Reformation

Greg Tarr

Word Alive is an annual gathering for Christians in the UK to be refreshed and equipped spiritually for service. As with a number of events this April, a lot of the teaching was focussed on the great truths of the Reformation.

The Bible readings at the 2017 event, held once again in Prestatyn, were given by Ray Ortlund from Paul’s letter to the Galatians. Ray highlighted Paul’s message of salvation in Christ alone and by faith alone and explored the heart-warming truth of adoption into God’s family for the believer and how it is the Holy Spirit that is the agent of change in a Christian rather than an adherence to rules. Galatians was also taught across the whole event in the various children’s groups – meaning that the whole family sat under the same part of God’s Word and good conversations were enabled.

Saved to serve

Saved to serve

Greg Tarr

The world is in a terrible state and yet the Bible speaks of a multitude from every tribe, people and language that no one can count gathered together around the throne and in front of the Lamb.

How will a lost world be saved? That’s the question to which around 100 young people (aged mostly between 15 and 25) sought the answer at a weekend called Saved2Serve, which took place at All Nations Christian College, 8–10 April.