In Depth:  Gordon Robertson

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A forgotten classic

A forgotten classic

Gordon Robertson

Book Review REBECCA’S REVIVAL: Creating Black Christianity in the Atlantic World

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The Bible’s storyline

The Bible’s storyline

Gordon Robertson

Book Review TYPOLOGY: understanding the Bible’s Promise-shaped Patterns

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Precious gold from a Middle-Eastern furnace

Precious gold from a Middle-Eastern furnace

Gordon Robertson


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Educating hope

Educating hope

Gordon Robertson

Book Review THE MESSAGE OF THE SECOND COMING: Bible Speaks Today series

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Joseph to Jesus

Joseph to Jesus

Gordon Robertson

Book Review FROM PRISONER TO PRINCE: The Joseph story in biblical theology

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Light	through	the	cracks

Light through the cracks

Gordon Robertson


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Christians	and	politics	in	an	era	of	polarisation

Christians and politics in an era of polarisation

Gordon Robertson

Book Review CHRISTIANS AND POLITICS: Uneasy Partners

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Missionary life through the eyes of the home-maker

Missionary life through the eyes of the home-maker

Gordon Robertson

Book Review IMMEASURABLY MORE: Flying for the Way-Maker

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Setting	the	heart	on	fire

Setting the heart on fire

Gordon Robertson

Book Review ALL THINGS NEW: Revelation as canonical capstone

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Heaven’s above!… And  not a place on earth…

Heaven’s above!… And not a place on earth…

Gordon Robertson

The best is yet to come! Whether you are trapped in a war zone, living in poverty, or enjoying every modern comfort without a cloud in the sky, the best is yet to come.

We walk with Christ now, but will see Him face to face in eternity. The church is the bride of Christ now, but we are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb. We know His comfort daily, but then He will wipe away all our tears in the place where there is no sin or sorrow. The best is yet to come is an understatement! We are bound for glory, for unimaginable joys at His right hand. Hallelujah! Praise God for His grace and love that welcomes undeserving sinners into His splendour.

Understanding Arab evangelicals

Understanding Arab evangelicals

Gordon Robertson


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How to talk to Muslims?

How to talk to Muslims?

Gordon Robertson

Book Review WHERE TO START WITH ISLAM: A new approach to engaging with Muslim friends

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Being ‘British’ today

Being ‘British’ today

Gordon Robertson

Book Review BRIT(ISH): On Race, Identity and Belonging

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An essential read

An essential read

Gordon Robertson

Book Review ESSENTIALLY ONE: Striving for the unity God loves

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Deeper than we think

Gordon Robertson
Date posted: 1 Jul 2020

Dear Sir,

Thank you for the review of Tom Holland’s latest book. By coincidence I was reading his book In the Shadow of the Sword. Tom Holland is one of the very few popular historians brave enough to be forthright about the virtually total lack of contempor-ary evidence for Mohammed, the origins of Islam, and the Qur’an. This book is worth getting for Chapter 1 alone. There is ‘not a single Arab account of his life, nor of his fol-lowers’ conquests, nor of the progress of his religion, from the whole of the near two cen-turies that followed his death’. Biographical details start to occur after 800AD, written by fervent believers. ‘Whole centuries’ worth of scholarship have been founded on the pre-sumption that the sources for early Islam can be trusted’, and this includes stories about the creation of the Qur’an. The chapter goes on to look at the ideas floating about at that time, and the book traces in historical detail how the world came to be dominated by three religions with one God. His Channel 4 documentary ‘Islam: the untold story’ is still available on YouTube.

Leeds: moving forward 
 even under lockdown

Leeds: moving forward even under lockdown

Gordon Robertson

Roundhay Evangelical Church (REC) in Leeds appointed their first pastor, despite the restrictions of lockdown, with Adam Robertson taking up the post on 1 July.

Identified as an area of Leeds without a clear evangelical witness, REC was planted in 2007 from City Evangelical in South Leeds, as an elder-led church. By God’s grace it has grown slowly, and it was felt the time was right to appoint a younger man to lead the church into the future. Adam Robertson responded to an advert in January, and was able to visit for a weekend before lockdown. The wonders of the Internet, online sermons, and lots of phone calls meant that the church was happy at a (Zoom) church meeting to call Adam, unanimously, to be the pastor.



Gordon Robertson

Book Review HIS TESTIMONIES, MY HERITAGE Women of color on the word of God

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‘By the grace of God he stays’

‘By the grace of God he stays’

Gordon Robertson

Book Review NEITHER BOMB NOR BULLET Benjamin Kwashi, archbishop on the front line

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‘God’s guy’!?

‘God’s guy’!?

Gordon Robertson

Book Review BELIEVE ME: The evangelical road to Donald Trump

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Eating together

Gordon Robertson
Date posted: 1 Jul 2019

Dear Sir,

I really enjoyed Adrian Reynolds article in the June issue of en on eating together. However, I was surprised no-one men-tioned the new book Simply Eat published by Instant Apostle. This lovely coffee table book is full of stories, testimonies, pictures, recipes, and encouragements to do exactly what Adrian recommends. It’s a book to enjoy, to give, and most of all to help one put into practice the art of hospitality for Jesus’s sake.

The­ world ­turned ­upside­ down

The­ world ­turned ­upside­ down

Gordon Robertson

Book Review PROTESTANTS The radicals who made the modern world

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Ghosts of Christmas (long) past!

Ghosts of Christmas (long) past!

Gordon Robertson

Gordon Robertson has unearthed a Methodist take on Dickens’ famous tale of the supernatural

‘… the clock struck twelve … we were startled from our chairs … the knocking continued, accompanied by deep sepulchral groans … two figures, pale and ghastly and clothed in white entered the room … we heard a voice saying, “I am Wesley, and bring a message from God to you”; and another voice saying, “I am Whitfield, and what thou seest and hearest from us, write in a book, and send to the churches”!’

The explosive Word of God

Gordon Robertson


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What are you worrying about?

Gordon Robertson

There used to be a terrible worrier in the office. Every day he'd arrive with a frown like the Rift Valley.

Till one day he was all smiles. 'What's happened?', colleagues asked. 'Oh, I've paid a consultant to do all my worrying - only £100 per day'. 'But', they gasped, 'however will you afford that?' Smiling, he replied: 'That's his worry!'