In Depth:  Geoff Gobbett

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Robin Dowling 1946 – 2020

Robin Dowling 1946 – 2020

Geoff Gobbett

Robin Dowling, a well-known former Grace Baptist pastor, missionary and theologian, departed to be with Christ on 31 July 2020.

He will be sorely missed as a much-loved husband, father and grandfather. He served his generation in the ministry of the gospel from the 1970s till fairly recently. Coming from Bristol, he was well known amongst churches there when he took on the pastorate at Salem Baptist Church in Kew, Richmond, Surrey in the late 1970s. He immersed himself in encouraging Grace Baptist Churches, serving the Association of Grace Baptist Churches (South East).

Church plants that flounder

Church plants that flounder

Geoff Gobbett

Book Review BIBLE-CENTRED CHURCH: Running a church the biblical way

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Help without Christ?

Help without Christ?

Geoff Gobbett

Book Review RESTORED LIVES Recovery from divorce and separation

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City sense

Geoff Gobbett

Book Review SEEKING A CITY WITH FOUNDATIONS Theology for an urban world

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Losing your new pastor?

Geoff Gobbett

Book Review HANDLE THAT NEW CALL WITH CARE Accepting or declining a call to a new congregation

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In debt?

Geoff Gobbett


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Capital gold

Geoff Gobbett

Book Review YOU’LL GO TO LONDON The autobiography of Lionel Ball

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Give it a miss

Geoff Gobbett

Book Review NEVER TOO LATE 10 tips to change the course of your life

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30,000 worshippers

Geoff Gobbett

The reality of 30,000 Christians worshipping in a loud, lively and sincere way is somewhat overwhelming.

This happened over a 12-hour period at the Excel Exhibition Centre in London on March 31 to April 1. It was the tenth such rally sponsored by the Redeemed Christian Church of God, entitled ‘Festival of Life’.

Mr. Valiant-for-Truth

Geoff Gobbett

Book Review JOHN MARSHALL Life and Writings

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Geoff Gobbett

Book Review PURE JOY

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A church against all odds

Geoff Gobbett

There it was on the corner as it had been for 120 years. Forbidding and off-putting to many, yet to neighbours it was an old and familiar friend. Was it open or not?

A sign high on the building read Providence Baptist Chapel. It was opposite Highbury Fields, the largest open space in Islington, one of the smallest of the London boroughs, and yet one of the most populous in the capital, situated in one of the most desirable streets in Islington.

Just Grace

Geoff Gobbett

Book Review By R.T. Kendall S.P.C.K. 163 pages. £9.99 This is a practical exposition of the Ten Commandments from the minister of Westminster Chapel.

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You want to pierce what? Getting a grip on today's family

Geoff Gobbett

Book Review 'You Want To Pierce What? Getting a grip on today's family'

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At Break of Day

Geoff Gobbett

Book Review By Fred Mitchell

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Fresh Hope Through New Perspectives: A series of four books for daily Bible reading

Geoff Gobbett

Book Review Facing up to Financial Crisis By Keith Tondeur Coping with Redundancy By Peter Curran A Way Out of Despair By Helena Wilkinson Coping with Long Term Illness By Frank Gamble Crusade for World Revival. £4.95 each Each booklet has 96 pages and comes from the stable that produces the popular daily readings Every Day with Jesus.

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