In Depth:  Garry Williams

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Evangelical Futures: Peace, be still!

Evangelical Futures: Peace, be still!

Garry Williams

If a few years ago you had said that some of the most prominent evangelical ministers in the UK and the USA would be exposed as spiritual and sexual abusers, few would have believed you, at least not about the extent of it. But it has happened, and it has happened in a context full of other pressures.

Church life has been greatly disrupted by the measures taken to contain the pandemic. Christians face marginalisation and increasing hostility toward their ethical convictions. Society itself, at least as perceived through the lens of the media and social media, has been convulsed by a concern with deep-seated systemic sins, and Christians have been divided in their response. Some have embraced the concern as vital for the church’s integrity and witness, others have opposed it as ungodly cultural Marxism. Christians have begun to look at one another like opponents rather than spiritual siblings.

What is it to really  believe?
Think more deeply

What is it to really believe?

Garry Williams

We believe…

But what is it to believe?

Why you can relax while 
 saying the Creed
Think more deeply

Why you can relax while saying the Creed

Garry Williams

‘We believe in one God’

How do we get to the point where we can stand up and say ‘We believe…’? What is the energy that enables us to say this and that keeps us saying it? These might seem like strange questions to ask, but they are important. It is possible to think of saying the Creed as something we do by an act of our own spiritual willpower, much like a superhero who strains every sinew to bend his will to lift the steel girder that has fallen on a car. If that is how I feel as I say the Creed then I have misunderstood a great deal – not only about the Creed, but about the Christian life itself. The very act of saying the Creed, of being able to declare the Christian faith before God, the angels, the demons, and the world, is possible only by the grace of God. It is not we who have brought ourselves to this point where we can say ‘We believe’, nor is it we who keep ourselves here. It is all of God. Our mouths declare God’s praise only because He opens our lips. It is bad enough to think that we come to profess the faith under our own steam. It is even worse to think that it was the church that created the realities described in the Creed. Everything the Creed speaks of is real only because God is who He is in eternity and because God has done what He has done in history. We are not the ones who constitute the ‘Christ of faith’ when we say the Creed: the Christ of faith is the previously-existent Jesus of history.

How the Creed takes us 
 out of ourselves
Think more deeply

How the Creed takes us out of ourselves

Garry Williams

A new series from leading theologian, Garry Williams, encouraging us to engage systematically with theology via the Nicene Creed

‘We believe in one God’

The Lord’s Supper in lockdown? No.

The Lord’s Supper in lockdown? No.

Garry Williams

The Revd Dr Garry Williams, challenges a coronavirus-induced ‘cyber-supper’

While we are all locked down in our homes we should be longing to celebrate the Lord’s Supper together as a church, but we should not do so. Why not? Quite simply, because it cannot be done.

Cross purpose: replying to Steve Chalke on penal substitution

Garry Williams

In March 2004 Zondervan published a new book by Steve Chalke with Alan Mann under the title The Lost Message of Jesus.

Various aspects of the book have provoked criticism from evangelicals. In particular, the comments in the book on the meaning of the cross have come under fire.